Two Truths & a Lime (The Love Game #3) - Elizabeth Hayley Page 0,31

actually be prepared for anything in particular.

“Both of us?” Jake asked.

“Yes, both. The three of you if you want to let Kevin know to come too. I think it’d be valuable to see how a client meeting is run. Phillip Maxwell’s been with Margot Nathan since he opened his first restaurant in New York. He has an idea for expansion that he’d like to discuss.”

“Yeah, sure,” Jake said. “I’ll let him know.”

Kevin was a bit of a burnout, and though it wasn’t quite nine yet, I had a feeling he’d be late. He’d only been on time a few days since we all started, and since he wasn’t here yet, I figured today would be similar.

“I take it you both know that Abigail’s no longer with us,” Jeff said, causing me to wonder why people kept using euphemisms for death to describe her leaving.

“We heard,” Jake said, sounding surprisingly somber.

“Would you like me in on this meeting too?” Carole asked.

Jeff thought for a moment before he said, “As long as you’ve had your coffee by then.”

“I’ll be there.” Carole gave him a sort of smile that made me feel awkward for having witnessed it, kind of like I was intruding on some inside joke that only Carole was a part of.

I wondered if Jeff picked up on Carole’s creepy, semiseductive grin but decided quickly I’d rather not know.

Once the two went back to their offices, I headed over to the large table that had been designated for the interns and put my things on the ground. I took out my laptop and booted it up.

A few minutes later, Jake was seated across from me, leaning back in his chair as he tapped two pencils on the table rhythmically.

“What are you bringing to the meeting?” he asked.

“Um…” I thought for a moment. “Probably just a pen and notebook to take notes. I don’t think we’d need a computer or anything. Did you tell Kevin about the meeting?”

“Haven’t seen him yet.”

Obviously. “Maybe you should text him,” I suggested. We’d all exchanged numbers the first day, so I could’ve easily texted Kevin myself, but since Jake didn’t look especially busy, I hoped he would do it.

“Wasn’t planning on it. It’s every man for himself here, remember? We were both here early. If he can’t get here on time, why should we do him any favors by letting him know about the meeting?”

I brought my eyes up from where they’d been on my laptop screen to meet his. “Mostly because Jeff asked us to, but also because it’s the right thing to do. We’re supposed to behave like we’re working as a team.”

“You can text him if you want, but he has plenty of time to get here before the meeting starts. And if he’s late, I doubt Jeff would want him to interrupt anything, so it’s probably better he not know about it.”

“Yeah, that’s true, I guess.” I scanned the daily schedule Carole sent out for us and looked up at Jake. “Did you see who’s coming in later this week?”

“Nah, I haven’t looked at it yet. Figured since the meeting’s starting soon, I’ll check out the schedule after. Why? Who?”

“Trey Daily. He’s a football player, right?”

Jake nodded. “There’s a cornerback with that name, yeah. Not sure if it’s the same guy, though.”

I scanned the bullet points below the meeting time. “It’s gotta be. This says he’s opening a sports bar and wants to discuss how he can use his status as an athlete to promote his new business.”

“Oh, shit! Wish we could get in that meeting somehow.”

“Yeah, but I guess we should focus on the one we have in five minutes first.” I picked up my notebook, clipped a pen to the spirals, and turned toward the direction of Jeff’s office.

Jake grabbed some paper and a pen and began walking with me.

When we arrived, Carole was already seated in a chair off to the side. Jeff sat behind his desk, but he rose when we entered and took a seat in one of the open chairs. Jake and I found places on the couch, but before we got too comfortable, Carole stopped us.

“You two will have to stand. Phillip won’t want to feel crowded.”

“Oh, sorry,” I said, already rising and looking for a place against the wall that wouldn’t be in the way. “Is here okay?” I pointed to a spot near the door.

“That should be fine,” Carole answered.

Jake flanked the other side of the door, making us look like oddly dressed Copyright 2016 - 2024