Two Truths & a Lime (The Love Game #3) - Elizabeth Hayley Page 0,1

his address in case I was ever in the area.”

“He actually doesn’t go to school here anymore,” I corrected her. “Or anywhere, actually. It’s probably good you’re not really married to him.”

“You’re not helping,” Brody shot at me through gritted teeth.

“Let me guess,” Vee said. “Your sister?”

“The one and only,” Brody said, tossing his hand carelessly toward me.

“You told her about me?” I tried to act bothered by the fact that he’d clearly told this woman about me, but I couldn’t help but be flattered.

Brody and I hadn’t been close until the last couple of months. We hadn’t even really spoken much until I showed up at his apartment last semester looking for a place to stay on campus after Aamee’d kicked me out of the sorority house for some archaic rule I’d broken.

Having to cover for Brody while he was hopping from country to country like he was on some sort of large-scale pub crawl while I lived with the stranger who was impersonating him didn’t help our relationship any.

I tried not to think about what a clusterfuck last semester had been, but then again, it had indirectly led me to Drew, so it was hard to hate Brody completely. Or Aamee for that matter.

“Whatever,” Brody said. “I may have mentioned you a few times. I don’t really remember.”

I hadn’t even known that Brody was in New York for any length of time, let alone for long enough to have…whatever it was he’d had with Veronica. I just assumed he’d gone straight to Europe since that seemed to be where he’d spent most of the semester.

Brody put his arms around Aamee and pulled her close to him. “So…what are you here for, Veronica?” He sounded more curious than angry. Though that curiosity could easily transform depending on Veronica’s answer.

“Honestly just saying hi. I was in the neighborhood. I’m starting an internship in the city soon, so I need to find a small place. Hey, do you have any of that red blend we used to drink?”

Veronica was already up and headed for the kitchen, presumably to look for wine. She scanned the countertops before opening a few of the upper cabinets.

“Just make yourself at home,” Brody called sarcastically.

Empty-handed, Veronica made her way back to the living room. Pulling her black hair up into a messy bun on her way, she said, “Sorry. I should at least properly introduce myself before I go through your boyfriend’s kitchen like I live here.” She gave Aamee a sweet smile and extended her hand. “I’m Veronica, but most of my friends call me Vee.”

“I gathered that much,” Aamee said.

When Aamee didn’t shake Vee’s hand after an uncomfortable amount of time, Vee turned to me. “Pleasure to meet you, Sophia.”

“You as well. And this is my boyfriend, Drew. He lives here with Brody.”

Drew and Vee shook hands.

“Do you go to Lazarus too, Drew?”

“No. Well, not anymore. I kind of took some classes last semester. Not sure how much Brody told you.”

Veronica’s eyes lit up, and her finger went back and forth between Drew and Brody. “Oh my God! Yes! I see the resemblance now. So how was it living Brody Mason’s life for a few months?”

“Uh…interesting, I guess. I think that’s the first time I’ve ever been asked that.”

“Don’t be modest,” Brody said. “It’s great being me.”

The rest of us rolled our eyes or shook our heads, including Veronica. Maybe if she lived around here, she’d fit in with us better than I initially thought.

“Do any of you have any suggestions for good neighborhoods to look for an apartment?” she asked. “I’m not picky. I just need something close to public transit and relatively inexpensive. A place right around here would be perfect, but everything I’ve seen so far is a fortune.”

“No, sorry. This area’s pricey,” Aamee said, smiling in a way that made it clear she was not sorry about having to deliver the information. “You should probably find a different city to do your internship in.”

Veronica laughed, but she didn’t seem intimidated by Aamee in the least. She looked to be a few years older than Aamee and struck me as more cultured in a way that probably came from books and traveling, despite probably not having the money Aamee had.

“It’s not the cheapest place to live,” I added, “but you can find something decent. It might not be that close to the city, though, depending on how much you want to spend. My friend Taylor and I are looking for an Copyright 2016 - 2024