Two to Tangle (A Tangle Valley Romance #2) - Melissa Brayden Page 0,89

you around much.”

“I know. I had a lot to get done before my road trip.”

“Road trip? Where are you headed? You didn’t say anything about a road trip.”

“I was getting around to it. I’m heading to Idaho to see a man about some tiles.”

Gabriella went quiet. “Ryan. Really? You’re driving there yourself?”

“I figure it’s the only way it’s going to get here in time.”

“I didn’t mean for you to have to go so far out of your way. Literally. But that’s very thoughtful of you.”

She smiled. “I want to make it right.”

“Speaking of what happened, do you have a moment?” Gabriella asked. The nature of the question made Ryan’s stomach flip over and her shoulders go tight. Here we go.

“I have hours.”

“Great.” Gabriella took a breath and leaped right into it. “I don’t like the way I reacted a few days back. I cast a lot of blame your way on what was an innocent mistake, and I want you to know that I recognize that. I’m sorry. Sometimes when you’re shocked by what’s in front of you, you lose your ability to see things, I don’t know, rationally.”

“I appreciate that,” Ryan said and smiled weakly. This would normally be the moment in the conversation where she melted like a Popsicle on a hot day, thrilled to be speaking to Gabriella and taking in everything about her. She didn’t allow that to happen today. She couldn’t because her head was full of the Biddies’ gossip session, the disappointment in Gabriella’s eyes a few mornings back, and the way she fit perfectly into the arms of Madison LeGrange like she belonged there. So now, Ryan held back those reflex emotions and focused on the practical, shielding her heart, which was much more fragile than she ever knew. “And with a little luck, we’ll be able to rebound from this.”

“You honestly think we can?”

“Have you ever seen me give up?”

Gabriella chucked. “I can easily say that you never do.”

The conversation felt easy again. Good. They shared a comfortable moment of silence.

“I really miss you, you know,” Gabriella said.

“I know. I miss you, too,” Ryan said. She didn’t think about how much, though, and that helped her not feel it so acutely. So had working all the long hours.

“I know you’re going really hard right now, but maybe it’s too hard? Billy said you were on a job until close to ten last night.”

“Yet you didn’t check on me. My phone was quiet.”

Gabriella sighed. “I was trying to figure out what to say.”

“And what you wanted to do. I know. I get it.”

“What does that mean? Do about what?” Gabriella sounded puzzled.

“Well, you have options, right?”

“Aha.” Understanding seemed to strike. “Well, I don’t want options.” Gabriella exhaled slowly and audibly. “We had a rough couple of days, yes, but I’m not ready to walk away. Not even close. I don’t give up either, Ryan.”

“Yeah. Okay.” But she had trouble believing it in the long run. Her heart was flattened and showing no firm sign of rebound. She tapped the steering wheel. “Traffic is picking up. I should go.”

Gabriella didn’t hesitate. “You’re not being yourself right now.”

“I know. I’m sorry about that. I just have a lot on my plate.”

“When are you home?”

“Tomorrow night.”

“Then let’s get together then. Let me make you a late dinner.”

“If you want.” Ryan tried another smile to soften the tone of her voice. She had no interest in punishing Gabriella, but everything in her told her to find a way to distance herself in the name of self-preservation. She wasn’t capable of walking away, but she had to take steps back. The chances of Gabriella sticking around when the love of her life lived just yards away were feeling slimmer and slimmer. Madison would likely use this opportunity to swoop in and play caretaker-best-friend, and then they’d ride off into the vineyard together, realizing they never should have parted ways. It made Ryan want to cry and doubt everything she once thought they had. She was such an idiot for proceeding so blindly.

Instead she lost herself on the road and in loud music. Eyes forward. Heart stashed away. Back to what she’d known all along.

She arrived back at Tangled the following night and unloaded the tile with her crew, exhausted and with very little left to give. After they’d locked up, she made the short walk to Gabriella’s cottage where they’d agreed to have dinner and found Gabriella sitting in front of her cottage. “Hey, there. Good news. It’s Copyright 2016 - 2024