Two to Tangle (A Tangle Valley Romance #2) - Melissa Brayden Page 0,76

to think, and what I need to know for myself is how much of that might be lingering for you, as well.”

She refused to examine the question. She couldn’t. “She was just pushing your buttons, Ryan. I think she’s playing aggressively in the sandbox because she’s worried about you breaking my heart.”

“Yeah, well, after tonight, I’m worried about you breaking mine.” Ryan blinked, and her big blue eyes carried undeniable fear.

Whoa. The sight affected Gabriella in a big way, and her anger slowly evaporated. She hated seeing Ryan this way, sad and vulnerable. She’d come to understand, the more they’d spent time together, that Ryan was a great deal more complex than she’d ever given her credit for. Ryan felt things deeply. She was kind and generous, and a little timid of the world, too. The last thing Gabriella wanted, however, was for Ryan to be afraid of her. She released whatever negative feelings remained, needing more than anything to reassure Ryan and feel close to her. She covered the short distance between them.

“Hey,” she said quietly, trying to reset them.

“Hi.” Ryan held up her hand, and Gabriella placed her palm flat against it. Their fingers intertwined, and she felt her world snap into place.

“I, Gabriella Russo, have no plans to break your heart. In fact, the more I get to know it, the more I happen to like this heart. Want it around mine some more. Because it’s a good heart.” She looked up at Ryan. “Crazy, no?”

“Insane.” She shook her head in wonder. “I never imagined a you.”

The sentence took Gabriella’s breath away. She could tell Ryan meant it, that it wasn’t just a line. “I can safely say the same. Ryan Jacks, you are definitely one of a kind. Wait. I don’t know your middle name. How have we gotten this far without one?”

“Lenore. After my grandmother on my mother’s side.”

“Get out.” Gabriella shoved her. “My middle name’s my grandmother’s on my mother’s side.”

“See? Two people named after their grandmothers are clearly meant to make trouble in this life together.”

Gabriella met Ryan’s gaze. “I like the sound of us making trouble. Ryan-speak for being adorable and romantic.”

“You speak Ryan well.” She sighed. “I’m sorry my mouth got away from me. I wish I could say it was the first time.”

“Thank you. I accept your apology.”

“That easy? I feel like I owe you push-ups or a pint of ice cream or maybe just my undying affection. Which will you accept?”

“So many options there,” Gabriella said, folding her arms.

“I’ll also apologize to Madison the next chance I get. Who knows? Maybe she’ll decide I’m not so bad after all.”

“Let’s hope for that.” Gabriella tried to remain positive, even though doubt and confusion still hovered. “Over time, I tend to think she’ll come around.”

“Over time means you’re planning to keep me around.”

Gabriella shook her head in weary amazement. “No matter what I do, I can’t seem to get rid of you.”

“Then I’m doing something right.” Ryan paused. “I could make her a table.” The corners of her mouth pulled.

Gabriella shook her head. “I’m not sure she deserves one right now. You’re both in time-out.”

“Me? I thought I was forgiven. Let me out. I’ll be so good.” Ryan flashed the Bambi eyes, and that was a problem. She loved the Bambi eyes. Was a sucker for them.

“Maybe later.”

Ryan tilted her head. “Later feels very far away.”

“You’re so impatient.”

“Only when it comes to you. Is your favorite color yellow?”

“Yes.” Gabriella eyed her. “You’re trying to distract me.”

“No way. I would never dare. I’m in time-out. I just need to know.” She gestured to the cottage behind them. “You have a lot of yellow in your house, so I thought maybe it was your favorite.”

“Well, you would be right. Blue is second. Followed by green. Red’s a little further back.”

Ryan stepped into Gabriella’s space, and the air around them inched up a degree the way it always did. “Red must have done something. Is it in time-out, too?”

“It runs a little…hot.” At the use of the word, Gabriella felt it. She touched Ryan’s shirt absently. “Maybe you can come inside. Maybe.”

Ryan kissed her. “Still a maybe?”

“Don’t know.” Gabriella’s lips tingled. “Might need more evidence.”

Ryan grinned and obliged, offering up a kiss she wouldn’t soon forget. “Can it be a yes? I really want it to be a yes.”

“You are a convincing kisser.” Gabriella went up on tiptoe, wrapped her arms around Ryan’s neck, and held on to her for several long moments. She Copyright 2016 - 2024