Two to Tangle (A Tangle Valley Romance #2) - Melissa Brayden Page 0,13

dogs, snow cones, and cheering incessantly at the town softball games. Another sign spring is in the air.”

Gabriella smiled back ruefully, remembering her traitorous body’s reaction moments ago. “God, you can say that again.”

* * *

Great day for a white wedding. At least according to Billy Idol on full blast. They had the radio station set to classic rock, and once Gabriella left, Ryan cranked up the volume for proper working conditions, confident they wouldn’t see their client for the rest of the day. In her experience, they generally checked in once, and after that happened, Ryan and her crew could relax into their workday and focus on the fun part.

She loved music and wasn’t married to any one genre. In fact, she allowed her mood and the work at hand to determine what they listened to. Demo day called for the heavier stuff and got them amped to tear stuff apart. Billy turned his cap backward as he laid into the drywall. She joined Billy, and Lonzo and his guys handled the demo on the adjacent wall, working in tandem just like they had for years now. The weather was nice, and with the door open, a nice breeze floated through the room.

“You gonna work your magic on the chef?” Billy asked. “I saw the look you got when she smiled. I know it well.”

“I don’t even know what that means,” she answered and grabbed hold of a pesky piece of drywall, using her foot to brace as she pulled. Finally, the damn thing came free, causing her to stumble back.

Billy flashed his impression of a sexy face. She’d seen the tragic thing before. “You were flirting. I’ve seen it a million times.”

“Yeah. So?”

“She’s hot, and from the way she stared at you, I’d say she plays for your team. Otherwise, I’d have brought the heat.” More of the sexy face. There should be a protective order against it.

Ryan rolled her eyes. “The heat? You mean from the frozen corn dogs you live on?”

“When my kid stays with me. I also add veggies.” He smoldered to punctuate.

“You’re right. Corn dogs and green beans.” Ryan mimed a burned hand by shaking it. “Too hot to handle.”

“Hey, we can’t all have the same game. It would get fucking boring. You have your looks, your charm. I have frozen foods on a Thursday to woo my prospects.” Billy smiled and patted his Winnie-the-Pooh tummy, the only part of him not in decent shape.

“She’s gonna hit that,” Lonzo said without turning around. He was the oldest of the three of them and no-nonsense in his approach. He’d listen to the two of them banter, and then finally throw his two cents in. “Calling it now.”

“Too crass,” Ryan scoffed. “She’s a smart and beautiful woman. Words matter, Zo. Don’t say that.”

“You don’t like it, call it whatever you want. Worked with you too many years. Know your ways. Hell, they work. Why change ’em?”

She could admit that there had been a time in the years after high school when she did view her various hookups as accomplishments or conquests. Sounded awful now. A decade had passed, and, well, call her more mature, but the practice felt misguided now. Didn’t mean Ryan didn’t enjoy herself out there, but she respected the women she got together with and hoped they respected her right back. A consensual, adult evening full of good conversation and a little fun afterward was not a bad thing. She happened to like sex. Still, the people mattered more these days.

“You goin’ to the Scoot tomorrow?” Billy asked, moving them past it.

Patsy’s Boot and Scoot was a bar and dance hall just on the edge of town, tucked away from the tourists that flocked to Whisper Wall for wine and relaxation. The Scoot was for locals and about the only late-night joint in ten lonely miles. Tuesdays were two-dollar beer nights and gaining in popularity. “I’ll probably check it out.”

“Nina has the kiddo, so first round’s on you,” Billy said and grabbed his final chunk of drywall.

“Me and the single dad out on the town,” she said. “Please wear a plaid short sleeved shirt. And tuck it in.”

He looked at her, incredulous. “It’s my signature going-out look. How could I not?”

Lonzo snickered, but she knew he’d likely show up, too. “Punks.”

They got back to work and went hard for several hours, but the conversation had Ryan thinking back to Gabriella Russo and her professed dedication to trying the best of every kind of Copyright 2016 - 2024