Two for Joy - Louise Collins Page 0,52

attention to him. He couldn’t escape through the outpatient doors, he had to find somewhere quieter, where no one would, or could, draw attention to him.

He found one.

Not the huge elevator to the outpatients’ underground parking lot, but a smaller one near the cancer ward. Further away, through winding corridors, and up and down stairs, but it was there. A quieter, private carpark attached to the ward, overlooking fields, Romeo imagined the patients had a good view of the sunrise each morning.

The van turned suddenly, and Romeo’s cheek collided with the wall. He winced as his teeth dug into his cheek, not only swollen on the outside, but inside, too. The lump pressed against his teeth making it hard to move his mouth.

It helped with the slurring at least.


The door flew open, Paul reached inside and gripped onto Romeo’s bicep before tugging him out. He stumbled and had to be steadied by Fred waiting at the bottom of the steps. Romeo recognized the ER department, but didn’t react to it, he looked over to Zander coming towards him, clipboard in hand.

“How you feeling?”

“The same.”

He saw flashing lights out of the corner of his eye, not ambulances, but police cars. They’d gone all out to escort him. He didn’t react, but kept his head hanging low, and let Zander guide him into the hospital. When people looked at him, they saw the orange jumpsuit, then the mass of his swollen face. It was obvious he was a convict by the cuffs and clothing, but they had no idea which convict they were all gawping at.

“They’ll take your blood pressure, and do some other tests, too.”

“The scan?”

“I think they’ve got it all set up for you.”

Zander distanced himself and joined a group of men and women all in their scrubs. He handed over his clipboard, had a quick chat, then turned to Romeo and gestured him forward. His entourage followed, walking around him like they were a net ready to catch him.

They seemed to relax the more he limped along looking sorry for himself.

“I’m radiologist Thomas Reed.”

He held out his hand to Romeo, then withdrew it fast when he realized his hands were cuffed at his back. He didn’t seem fazed by Romeo being a criminal, more irritated.

“I’ve had to reschedule others for this.”

Zander nodded. “I know, we’ll be quick.”

“I hope so. Follow me.”

Romeo walked after him, scanning the corridor. He knew two officers had stayed outside the ER department, another two waited in the reception, leaving six officers accompanying him to the scanner.

“You’ll have to remove his cuffs.” Thomas said.

Paul snorted. “No chance of that.”

“Nothing metal can go inside the scanner.”

“You’ll have to make an exception.”

“The cuffs will break it.”

He shoved open a door and led Romeo to the white tube in the middle of the room. He put the clipboard Zander gave him on the bed, then turned back to Paul.

“And no one can be in the room while it takes place.”

“Let me get this straight.” Paul said. “You want me to undo his cuffs and leave the room.”

“That’s right.”

“No chance.”

Romeo looked down at the clipboard, the tempting pencil. No bigger than the ones used in betting shops. He could hide it in his closed fist. He turned to face Paul and Thomas squaring up against each other.

“The cuffs will interfere with the results.”

Paul glanced at Fred. “There’s no way.”

“The governor has authorized this.”

“I’m not leaving the room.”

“Fine.” Thomas said. “You can stand in front of the door, but the rest of you need to get out, and the cuffs need to come off, all the metal on you as well.”

“Like what?”

“Phone, keys, change,” Thomas pointed at Paul’s belt. “The pepper spray, the baton.”

“No way.”

“Hundreds of people rely on this machine every week. I won’t risk it breaking.”

“Fine.” Paul said, unloading the contents of his pockets and belt to Fred. “Happy?”

“I’m over the moon.”

“Do you have any cable ties?” Paul asked.

“No, I don’t, and he needs to be lying flat.”

“Bed restraints then?”

“Look,” Fred said. “Let’s just get this done quickly, then we can get the cuffs back on him, and leave Doctor Thomas to get back to his patients.”

Paul slumped, then nodded. Five officers left the room, leaving Romeo with just Paul and Thomas.

“Take his cuffs off.”

Paul cursed, then manhandled Romeo until he could get to his wrists. He leaned close as he undid them, breathing by Romeo’s ear. “Don’t try anything stupid.”

The cuffs were off. The weight of them gone.

“Right, Romeo, lay down on the bed.” Thomas said.

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