Two for Joy - Louise Collins Page 0,21

and looked like she was loving it, but just like Romeo predicted, it didn’t feel any different. Enjoyable, but not earth shattering. Then she’d paused, grabbed his hand, and held it to her throat, and something just clicked.

She’d laughed at Romeo’s shock, then told him she liked to be choked, it felt good.

Romeo tightened his grip, and the monster in his head froze. He squeezed, and a dam of endorphins broke in his head. It felt good, a relief—he couldn’t describe it, didn’t know what was happening, but more and more pressure on her throat satisfied the monster. It made it purr with pleasure. He wasn’t hard anymore, his cock slipped from her eager body, but he didn’t care. It wasn’t about sex, it was something else, the something else he’d been searching for. Elena’s eyes bugged from her head, and she clawed at Romeo’s hand, but he didn’t stop. He couldn’t stop, it felt too good, finally giving in to the itch, finally understanding how to cure it.

She patted her hand along the desk, found a paperweight, and knocked Romeo in the head with it. He fell to the floor, touched his head, and felt blood. Elena gasped, and wheezed for breath, then got behind her desk, using it as a barrier between her and Romeo.

“What the hell is wrong with you?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never known, and I doubt I ever will.”


He got to his feet, pressing his palm over the cut on his head.

“You hit me.”

“You tried to kill me.” She whispered.

“I … I wanted to.”

“You did—you animal.”

“Monster.” Romeo corrected. “Call me what I am. A monster.”

“Whatever. I saw that look in your eyes. You wanted to do it. You were going to do it. You—you’re evil.”

“And you’re a lecturer who fucked her student, asked him to strangle her, then assaulted him with a paperweight. It’s in both of our interests to keep this quiet…”


He blinked out of the memory, then looked around his cell.


“You went quiet on me.” Will said. “Then what happened? Was it good?”

“It was memorable…”

“Don’t leave me hanging.”

“We fucked on her desk hard and fast, knocked papers flying, screamed each other’s names, all the normal porn clichés…”

“You horny dog. The best you’ve ever had?”

The best he’d ever had was Chad, in the farmhouse on the table. He’d strangled Chad, teasingly close to killing him, but Chad looked as if he loved it, then thanked him for it. Both he and the monster had got a kick out of it.

“Not the best.”

“Go on then, what tops that?”

Romeo snorted. “That’s for me to jerk off to, not you.”

Chapter Seven

Chad didn’t visit for two Wednesdays in a row.

It was the morning of the third Wednesday, and Romeo couldn’t get out of bed. He didn’t eat the breakfast pushed through his hatch, he stared at it as it attracted flies.

At least something was having fun in his cell. His fan mail from the last two weeks littered the floor, and he ignored Will each time he asked for it.

There was no point to anything.

He’d failed at killing five and didn’t even have Chad as the consolation prize. He had hours, minutes, and droning seconds, until he finally died, monster gnawing at his mind every step of the way.

Romeo reached for the picture of the feather and pulled it off the wall.

Half white, half black, flawless.

He understood why Chad had cut him out, his reaction to a copycat hadn’t been what Chad was expecting, but despite how they changed towards each other in the farmhouse, Chad was still a good guy, and Romeo was a bad one.

They complemented each other, fit like a puzzle. A jagged, broken puzzle, but still a puzzle. Romeo was bad, Chad was good. Chad was light, Romeo was dark. Chad was a hero, and Romeo was a villain. They were opposites, the perfect twisted yin-yang. Romeo understood why Chad set him up to be captured, because no matter what, he was still good at heart. He would always be the detective just as he would always be the killer.

Romeo tacked the feather back on the wall when he heard footsteps approaching. Fred appeared at the bars, looking down at Romeo’s food.

“It’s up for grabs if you’re interested.”

“No, Romeo, I’m not interested.”

“Then why are you at my cell.”

“Chad’s visit is going ahead.”

Romeo sat up. “What?”

“He’s visiting today, same time as normal.”

His heart thawed, warmth came back into his veins. He didn’t even register Fred walking away, instead he looked at Chad’s picture on his Copyright 2016 - 2024