Twisted Love (Modern Romance #3) - Piper Lawson Page 0,46

stunningly, arrestingly beautiful, and affects me like no one has in a long time.

Pro. If I do it, I’ll stop thinking about how it feels to be so deep inside her she forgets everything that’s not me.

Pro. I’d give half my personal equity portfolio to hear the sound she makes when she comes.

Con. She’s my best friend. I can’t cross that line.

Con. She’s buzzed and bleeding.

Con. See previous. For fuck’s sake, man.

Pro. I’m definitely feeling something for her and I think she has feelings for me. We’re adults and we deserve to play that out.

Big-ass con. Feeling something for her doesn’t mean I can afford to fuck up our friendship and my life. Especially given what went down eight years ago. What I can never take back and don’t deserve to.

“Ben?” she calls.

I ignore it, but there’s only silence after.

Maybe she slipped. Maybe she needs help.

I drag my ass across the suite, holding my breath as I push open the bathroom door.

She didn’t slip.

She’s in the bath, bubbles up to her collarbone. Her face turns my way, eyes warm and satisfied and lips parted.

“Can you take my hair out?”

I start to say no but take in her bandaged hand resting on one side of the tub. “Yeah.”

I sit behind her and roll up the sleeves of my shirt before setting to work on the pins. “That woman said you had a good one. What did she mean?”

“We were arguing over whose boyfriend or husband was the worst or best. I told them you were the best. Because you’re loyal. And fierce. And you always have my back.”

The way she says those words, it sounds like they mean everything.

Knowing it’s dangerous but needing to prove myself, my hands finish their work and slip down to her shoulders.

She groans. “Oh. That feels good. I need to stop wearing heels. Or at least buy a standing desk.”

“I’ll get you one for your birthday,” I murmur.

She’s soft and smooth and this is torture, but I can’t stop touching her.

“No one’s ever washed my back before.” Her silky hair trails across my forearms. “I’ve never showered with anyone either. I’m afraid of slipping. It’s weird and paranoid.”

“So you’ve never had sex in a shower?”

She shudders, her nose wrinkling. “That sounds deadly.”

My laugh is dry as a desert. “It’s fucking awesome.”

She sucks in a measured breath.

I need to get back on solid ground. “Tell me something good.”

She shifts back, laying her head against my shoulder. Her breasts rise up out of the bubbles. “I had a dream about you last night.”

The languorous confession, the way she trails a finger along the side of the bathtub, makes it clear what kind.

“You did?”

Daisy nods, her shiny hair slipping over my hands. “I have lots of dreams about you.”

Hearing my best friend say those words shouldn’t tear my control.

It does.

It destroys me.

“So why wouldn’t you let me kiss you earlier?” I challenge softly.

The words hang between us, and I almost think she won’t answer.

“Because if you kiss me, I’ll wonder if you’re doing it for an audience, or if you’re doing it because you want to.”

I shut my eyes.

I get why she’d ask, and I hate that she has to. I don’t have all the answers, and I don’t know what will happen tomorrow or next month or the one after that.

But right now, this one area is perfectly clear.

My lips brush her ear. “There’s no audience now. I just fucking want you.”

Her pulse is heavy in her throat, and I want to suck on her, see if the heat of my tongue slows it or speeds it more.

My hands slide lower, inching along her slick skin, finally grazing her breasts. She's smooth and slippery from the water, and my cock is already testing the zipper of my pants before my thumbs find her hard nipples.

I don’t know if it’s Daisy’s breathy moan or the way she presses her face into my neck, like she wants me to comfort her from the torture of my hands, that turns me on most.

Or maybe it’s how she feels, as if she was made to fit in my palms.

She urges me on, her hands covering mine, and I massage her breasts. The edges of my rolled-up sleeves are getting wet and I give zero fucks.

“Damn, you’re gorgeous,” I murmur in her ear.

“Your hands feel so good.” Her hips are arching, nearly coming out of the water.

Until I realize it’s because she must’ve hit the drain and the water level’s going down.

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