Twice in a Blue Moon - Christina Lauren Page 0,81

and Roberta, to growing up on a farm, to Nick growing up in Houston, to how cold the night is turning.

“You think she’s asleep?” Nick asks after a while.

I feel the heat of Sam’s body as he leans over me, getting a better look. “Maybe.”

I am, but I’m not. I’m drifting, half-aware, comfortably buffeted from the wind by Sam’s body. It’s a return to childhood and listening to adults I trust talk in those meandering, easy ways while I can dip in and out of consciousness. On top of it, the sensation of grass at my back and the night sky on my face pulls me back years to that easy sensation of being absolutely blissed out in love with Sam, and feeling safe and known. I want to live in that space just a little longer.

“I can carry her,” Sam says.

An ache slices through my sternum, and I sit up. “I’m awake. I’m good.”

We stand up with quiet groans: sore joints from sitting on the ground too long out in the cold after an intense amount of physical exertion. Nick wraps his arms around my shoulders, kissing the top of my head. “You were good today, Tates.”

I band my arms around his waist. “So were you.”

“You were both perfect,” Sam says, behind me. Tonight the three of us skipped steps, shot up the secret friendship path in Candyland. I have the sense that the bond of this shoot will keep for years.

“Come on.” Nick breaks the silence. “I gotta be fresh for tomorrow.”

I gently chuck his chin. “You’ll be fine. Piece of cake.”

Sam watches us, confused. “What’s tomorrow again?”

“The sex scene,” I tell him, and without waiting for his reply, I turn, calling out over my shoulder, “We’re gonna be amazing again, Nicky. Good night, you two.”



Ellen is in her room. The late-afternoon sun filters through the window and washes the walls in gold. Ellen is changing clothes. Her shirt is unbuttoned. She’s soaked and dirty from a hard day’s work. She’s also angry.

She looks up at a knock at the door.


Come in.

Hat in hand, Richard starts to step inside but stops when he sees that she’s changing. He’s clearly flustered.


Oh—I’m—I’ll come bac—

With an impatient huff, Ellen pulls him into the room and closes the door behind them.


Don’t be ridiculous. I have to get these off and get back out there. Just . . . turn around.

Richard turns to face the wall.


I see you’ve been running the tractor. I told you I could help.

Behind him, we see Ellen slip off her shirt. Her bare back is exposed, and we hear the fabric flutter to the floor.


I have, but I’m sure that isn’t why you came up here.


I was in town and heard some people talking. They said your dad’s worse. That nobody’s seen him for a few weeks.

Ellen slips off her skirt, the fabric sliding slowly down her legs. In the window Richard sees her reflection, all curves and strong, capable muscle. He bows his head, looking away.


I don’t know why everyone can’t mind their own business. Jacob Hadley was up here yesterday and had the nerve to suggest I need a husband to take care of things.

She steps into a pair of jeans.


I think people are just worried about you being alone up here taking care of him.


Where were all these worried people when Dad first got sick? When I had to take care of him and everything else. Where were they then?


Well I was in North Carolina . . .


You know I’m not talking about you.


But why not?


Why not what?


Why aren’t we talking about me? I worry about you, too.


I don’t need you to worry about me.


I know that. I know you don’t need anything from me. I don’t need anything from you, either. Doesn’t mean I don’t want you.

She stops buttoning her shirt. She turns to face him.

RICHARD (cont’d)

I want to give you everything.


Look at me.

Richard slowly turns around. He takes in her unbuttoned shirt and slowly meets her eyes.

ELLEN (cont’d)

You sure I’m what you want? This? Here? You willing to take that on? I can’t fall again and pick up my own pieces. I don’t have it in me.

He takes a step forward. Slips her shirt off her shoulders and lets it fall to the floor. We see her naked back as she leans in and kisses him.

Two hours later, the knock that I’ve been dreading sounds at the hair and makeup trailer door.

Charlie tilts her head as she Copyright 2016 - 2024