Twelve Days The Beginning - By Jade Reyner Page 0,91

and back onto the relative safety of hers. Their fingers were still entwined.

The dessert had been cleared away and a band began to set up over in the far corner next to the dance floor. From the look of it, it was a jazz band; a five piece, all slightly older men who were dressed in immaculate red pinstripe suits with bow ties. Two of the players had saxophones; another had a trumpet and a fourth, a trombone. At the back of the set sat a drummer and Elise read the name of the band on the skin of his bass drum – ‘Four Men and Bill’. A slightly odd name, which no doubt had some history to it, but as long as they were good, it really didn’t matter to her what they were called.

Presently, they started to play – a really upbeat number – and Elise found herself being dragged onto the dance floor by Celeste who had temporarily extricated herself from Roger’s side. As they left the table, Vaughn and Roger moved seats to sit side by side and Elise could feel a pair of dark dark eyes following her every move.

When they reached the dance floor, they picked up the rhythm and did a good imitation of a jive style dance along with most of the other people on the floor. Letting go like this felt wonderful and it wasn’t long before Elise felt the music start to work its magic, the beat finding its way into her body and becoming absorbed by her soul. Celeste was also dancing with abandon, her eyes alight and shining with happiness. They giggled as they stumbled and crashed into the other dancers, hastily apologising before carrying on in their haphazard way. Elise couldn’t remember the last time that she had completely let go like this and it felt good – damn good.

As the number came to an end, Celeste indicated that she needed a trip to the ladies room and Elise followed her, keen to get the gossip on Roger. Celeste however beat her to it – pouncing on Elise the second they entered the quiet of the ladies room.

“Soooo.... – what gives with you and the boss man tonight then? He is seriously on fire for you – man, I could feel it from where I was sitting and I was fighting some pretty heavy vibes myself!”

“Ssshhhh....” Elise said nervously, worried in case someone else was in the cubicles and listening in to their conversation.

“What?” Celeste said all innocently “Afraid someone might hear? Honestly, Elise – no one needs to overhear anything - one look at the two of you together says it all. Jesus, you are one lucky girl. Our boss man is seriously hot – to have him look at me like that – I can tell you, I’d need a very long cold shower!”

Elise laughed, “’Leste, you are incorrigible – I’m amazed you’ve noticed anything other than Roger tonight – the two of you are giving off some serious heat as well you know!”

“Aha! So you are admitting there is something with you and the boss man – thought so!”

Elise groaned and realised that she was going to have give Celeste at least some of the story otherwise how did it look? Her cavorting around with Vaughn whilst her husband was sat at home. She knew that Celeste was very open-minded but she didn’t want her friend to think that this was normal behaviour for her – she just wasn’t that type of girl and she didn’t want anyone to think that she was.

“Look – he knows about Dale, about my marriage. He knows the full story and along with Cole has been really supportive. They both want what’s best for me and we’ve built some kind of a relationship based on that. I know I’ve only known the guy for five minutes but there is a - connection – between us.”

She took a fortifying breath before continuing, praying that they really were alone in the room.

“When I told you earlier about my marriage, I didn’t tell you the whole story because it really wasn’t the time but I need you to understand about Vaughn and me. I’m trusting you with this information Celeste, but God help me if you breathe a word of this to anyone.....”

She paused whilst Celeste shook her head earnestly, “Hon, you can trust me; I swear on my life.”

Elise nodded. She could trust her friend, she was sure of that. Copyright 2016 - 2024