Twelve Days The Beginning - By Jade Reyner Page 0,80

ever seen.

Her bag had been brought up earlier and she couldn’t help thinking how out of place her scruffy duffle was in a room as elegant as this. Circling the bed, she headed towards another door that led to an ensuite bathroom. The centrepiece of this was the amazing old-fashioned freestanding bath with clawed feet, which looked large enough to accommodate at least three people. There was also a double shower to one side that had jets at all levels promising to give you the most amazing shower experience.

Elise left the bathroom and gave over to a fit of girly excitement – this was totally unbelievable. She had never been anywhere like this and she couldn’t believe that the company were happy to pay for this amount of luxury.

Thinking of the company reminded her of Cole and glancing at her watch, she decided she had enough time to give him a quick call before taking a shower and getting ready for dinner.

She located the hotel phone to one side of the bed and following the instructions, managed to get a call through to him on his mobile. She had asked the Receptionist how she went about paying for the call but she had been advised that the use of the telephone was included with the room. She couldn’t believe how generous Mr Andrews Snr was being.

Cole answered on the second ring.

“Hello?” he sounded dubious, no doubt wondering who it was since he wouldn’t have recognised the number.

“Cole! It’s me.” She squealed “You’ll never believe what this hotel is like and you should see the room they have me staying in. It’s ridiculous, I’ve never seen anything like it!”

“Hey, baby – I take it you arrived safely then!” She could hear the laughter in his voice at her childish enthusiasm. “How has your day and your road trip with our esteemed MD been?”

“It’s been brilliant – this place is amazing and we’ve had a real laugh. Gotta get changed for dinner soon but I really wanted to talk to you – I miss you, babe. I so wish you could be here to see this. I’ve got my own gown and slippers too.” She bounced up and down on the bed, fingering the luxurious softness around the lapel of the robe.

“Miss you too sweet-cheeks – wish I could wangle a trip like that every now and again.” She heard only a slight note of envy in his voice; she knew that Cole didn’t really enjoy the frontline part of their business and preferred to be the genius in the background. She personally considered that to be a travesty; his looks alone would attract many accounts, of that she was certain.

“Well, you’ll just have to pull a few well-placed strings then, won’t you?” she said teasingly.

“Mmmm...” he replied unconvincingly. “So, how come you’ve been having so much fun then? I thought the others weren’t arriving ‘til later on?”

“They weren’t, they’ve only just arrived. Vaughn and I have spent the day getting the display ready for tomorrow and that guy has a wicked sense of humour. You’d never know it though, he always seems so serious. We’re all in our rooms getting ready for dinner now but honestly Cole, I’ve not laughed so much in ages. He just has a way of making me relax. Of course it helps that he’s fairly easy on the eye and we....”

“Elise...slow down...” Cole broke into her endless rant “You do realise what you sound like, don’t you?”

Elise took a moment to think through her last few sentences and then groaned.

“Oh God, I sound like a bitch on heat, don’t I?”

“Yep! ‘Fraid so!”

“Aaaargghhh.......” she said.

“Hey, babe – don’t worry” he laughed “You have no argument from me where Vaughn’s concerned and it’s great to hear you happy – really great. You deserve this time, Elise – grab it with both hands and enjoy it.”

“Cole....” she warned, “You know it’s not like that – it’s just been such a fabulous day, I guess I got carried away with the moment.” She glanced around quickly for something else to focus on and was once again struck by the luxury of the accommodation she had been given.

“You should see this room though, Cole, it’s like something out of a film! How on earth did you ever get Mr Andrews Snr to pay for all of this?”

Cole didn’t reply and when the silence lengthened, Elise began to get concerned that he had been cut off.

“Cole..? Can you hear me? You still Copyright 2016 - 2024