Twelve Days The Beginning - By Jade Reyner Page 0,63

of anyone else wanting you in any case – they all know you’re married and you’re getting on a bit now. You and me – we’re all that we need and together we can get through anything. Especially if I keep sober. What do you think?” He seemed to be completely unaware of the hurtful nature of the words coming out of his mouth and Elise was almost tempted to tell him about last night. Make him realise that she was a person, not just an object and that there were other people out there who valued her in some way. But she didn’t. She couldn’t.

Warming to his theme now Dale carried on, “Pretty-boy makes me laugh – admittedly I can tell that he fancies you but does he really think you’d be interested in him when you have me? I reckon he’s desperate that one. Can’t think of any other reason why he’d be so defensive of you.”

Of course! It was unthinkable that she could be attractive to anyone else! Temper rising to almost boiling point, she gripped the wheel as hard as she could and maintained her concentration on the road. She could feel tears starting to prick at the back of her eyes and for the first time she realised that Dale wasn’t just physically abusing her, he was mentally abusing her as well - almost as if he realised that he would lose control by giving up drinking so he needed to compensate in other ways.

Still he hadn’t finished and seemed completely unaware that she had not uttered one single word.

“So, we going to do this then babe? You and me against the world? ‘Cos that’s the way it should be. We took those vows and now I’m going to get sober and we are going to show everyone how good we are together. And I know you’re never going to cheat on me are you?”

Numbly Elise shook her head but didn’t turn to face him. She couldn’t. Without her realising it Dale had managed to get the upper hand again. He may not be physically touching her but he was still controlling her, reminding her of her duty and subtly warning her from going against his wishes. He was clever – very clever - and as she continued to drive them home, one chilling thought went round and round in her head.

This Dale – this manipulative Dale – was way worse than angry Dale. Way, way worse.

Chapter Seventeen

The rest of Sunday passed uneventfully although Elise could tell that Dale was struggling without his usual alcoholic crutch. He was unable to settle and kept walking around the house, huffing and puffing.

Nothing further was said following their conversation in the car and they settled into their usual routine with a number of somewhat uneasy silences. As bedtime approached, Elise took herself upstairs for a hot bath and an early night. The last few days had taken their toll and she was relieved to be able to sleep in her own bed without having to keep one eye open for once, as Dale was still sober.

Arriving at the office on Monday morning, the first thing she did was to stop by Cole’s office to see how he was feeling and ask if he fancied having lunch.

Cole wasn’t there so she left him a note, asking him to drop her an e-mail when he got a chance.

Reaching her desk, she was pleased to see both Olivia and Stephen already in which meant they would have sorted the post; her least favourite job. She waved at both of them and then settled down to get on with her work, dropping her bag on the floor and her coat on the hook next to their group of desks.

Stephen was busily concentrating on his computer when she sat down but he turned and smiled at her as she settled in.

“Morning, beautiful – quite a night on Saturday, then?” he said with a knowing wink.

“I don’t know what you mean,” she replied, “just went out clubbing with the girls. Nothing to report.”

“Ermm.... not the story I heard” he said glancing across at Olivia who was watching their exchange with interest. “Seems you were........unwell......although you were seen leaving the car park with a certain boss of ours!”

“Yes Stephen, very funny.” She said dismissively, and then as an afterthought, “By the way, I didn’t know you had a sister.”

Immediately his face hardened and clouded over with an emotion she couldn’t begin to name. Stephen had Copyright 2016 - 2024