Twelve Days The Beginning - By Jade Reyner Page 0,59

pushed one finger gently up inside her and Elise jerked on the bed, overcome by feelings and sensations. He began to massage her inside, curling his finger around, finding the right spot and then he added a second finger and Elise thought she would come apart right there and then.

“Easy, baby” he said. “Easy.” His lips moving against her breast that he had now bared to his view. He licked and suckled her, all the while continuing with his mind-shattering massage down below, rotating his fingers and slowly moving them in and out.

He turned his attentions to her other breast, gently biting down on her nipple and she cried out as sensation took over and all coherent thought fled. Just when she thought she couldn’t take any more, he moved his fingers and gently began to stroke her clit with his thumb, grazing lightly over the hard nub. Gradually, he increased the pressure both inside and out and when he finally crashed his mouth back onto hers she came apart in a thousand pieces; overcome with emotion, feelings that she had never experienced before. She tore her mouth away from his and called out his name again and again before collapsing back onto the bed, eyes closed – totally and utterly spent.

Chapter Sixteen

Elise woke to find Vaughn lying on his side; head propped on his arm, watching her.

“Morning, sleepyhead” he said and reached over to gently brush a tendril of hair out of her eyes.

“Err... morning” she replied disorientated. “What time is it?”

“A little after six – you’ve not slept for long, we ....uh... had a busy night.”

“Oh God!” Reality crashed over her like a tidal wave and she suddenly realised for the first time that she was in Vaughn’s bedroom and in Vaughn’s bed. “Jesus Christ! Wh... what?? We....?? Oh god, I can’t believe I’ve been so stupid.” She covered her face with her hands briefly and then pulled them away in time to see anger flash across Vaughn’s face before he carefully schooled his features.

“If you are asking if we had sex, the answer is no, we did not. You passed out on me after I gave you probably the best orgasm of your life if the volume of your screaming was anything to go by.”

She looked at him in shock, surprised at the crudeness of his answer. She realised too late what she had just said and how it must have sounded. She had hurt his feelings, she was in no doubt of that, but it was too late to call it back now. He continued to speak and she could hear the anger beginning to return.

“I’m sorry if you feel that you have been stupid,” he emphasised the word that she had used only moments before, “however I do not regret any of what happened last night and I give you fair warning that I will be doing everything in my power to make sure that it happens again – and a hell of a lot more besides.”

“And...” he carried on, his voice almost cold. “Please, spare your concerns for your husband. You and I both know that a man who is capable of raping his wife, deserves everything he fucking gets.” He spat this last sentence out and then abruptly rose and left the room; his perfect body striding out, leaving her alone and completely confused.

Shit! Elise flopped back onto the bed and covered her eyes with her arms. He was mad. Really mad and she could only assume that her poor choice of words had damaged his ego. Christ, the last thing that she wanted to do was upset him but she was remembering last night now, and everything that they had done. Although they had not had sex, they had pretty much done almost everything else and in her world, that branded her a cheat. She had vowed to love and honour Dale and even though Vaughn was right about Dale not deserving her love, that didn’t make it any more bearable that she was now engaging in what amounted to an affair. God, what a mess! And now she had to collect her car and go home and get changed to go and pick Dale up from the hospital; precisely as if nothing had happened.

The problem was that something had happened though. For all the wrongs of this situation, Vaughn had been completely right about one thing - he had given her the best orgasm of her life and she knew without Copyright 2016 - 2024