Twelve Days The Beginning - By Jade Reyner Page 0,56

arm, hauling her back to his lap.

“Hey,” she squealed, “That’s not playing fair – you’re easily stronger than me!”

“Something that I intend to use to my advantage!” Vaughn replied laughing and immediately Elise stiffened, the words inadvertently so close to something that Dale would say.

Vaughn hastily released her when he felt her stiffen and settled her down next to him. He must have realised what he had said and gently placed a comforting arm around her shoulders, rubbing his hand absently up and down her arm.

“God, Elise, I’m so sorry – what an idiot I am. It just came out – I said it without thinking. You know I would never use my strength against you in that way. Never!”

“I know, Vaughn.” she sighed and looked at him a little sadly. She did know. She could trust this man, she was absolutely certain of that.

“It was just a bit too close, that was all. It’s hard not to be sensitive sometimes.”

“I can only imagine what it must be like for you. I hate that you have had to live that life and I wish you would let me help you to get away from all that - to show you what kind of life you could have. You need to let him go Elise. You know you do.”

“Maybe...” she allowed “But there is no guarantee that what we are feeling – this ridiculous attraction - will stand for anything more in the end. The passion will undoubtedly burn out and you will want to move on and I’ll be left dried-up and on my own. I know it seems crazy but at least I know Dale will always be there and...maybe I’m not strong enough to be on my own just yet.”

Vaughn sucked in a deep breath and then turned to face her. “You won’t be on your own Elise, I can promise you that. I don’t know what the future holds any more than you do. All I know is what I am feeling right now. How much I want you, how much I want to be with you. How much I need you. I can’t promise forever but I can promise right now and maybe we could both work through things together.” he paused momentarily, no doubt referring his recent nightmare.

“I know it’s crazy and I know we’ve only known each other a few days and I know that it makes no sense. But it’s like we are meant to be, Elise – we were meant to meet and whatever happens I will never leave you. Even if we don’t have a relationship or if it were to end, I will always be here as your friend. Please believe me, Elise.”

“I do believe you,” she said quietly, “it’s just that I find it hard to trust people. I’ve been – conditioned - into a certain way and however sad that is, that is the life that I know and that I understand. Anything else – well, that just takes a bit of getting used to.”

Vaughn leaned over and brushed his lips across her temple, leaving a simmering trail of fire in his wake.

“We good?” he asked.

“Yeah, we’re good.”

He smiled sadly at her, “I am so sorry for the life that you have to lead.”

Slowly he leaned down and brushed his lips across her temple again; only this time he continued the trail down the side of her face and to her cheek, nuzzling the sensitive underside of her ear on the way.

Elise shivered and subconsciously turned her face towards him, seeking more of his warmth, his touch, his lips. Vaughn lifted his head up from where he had been nibbling her ear and looked deep into her eyes.

“Are you sure?” he asked “We don’t have to do this, you know. I just want to be close to you and if you’re not ready for more, I completely understand.”

“I do want this, Vaughn” she answered shakily “More than I can tell you right now. Even with my relationship and how wrong I know this is – it just feels so right. I don’t understand this Vaughn, but I know that I want this.”

“It is right, Elise, we have to believe that – everything else can be sorted, I promise. Let’s just have tonight Elise. Let me hold you.”

She nodded almost imperceptibly and moved back into the security of his lap, both of them now sitting on the edge of the bed and Vaughn still somehow cocooned in the duvet. Copyright 2016 - 2024