Twelve Days The Beginning - By Jade Reyner Page 0,52

was feeling, back under control.

She sat back down on the sofa quietly, almost feeling as if she was intruding on a private moment and crossed her legs, reaching for her glass again. He turned at the sound and his eyes travelled the length of her legs, his face changing almost instantly; a wicked smile forming as her watched her dress slide higher up her thighs when she moved. She nervously tugged at the hem of her dress and Vaughn laughed lightly. Relieved that his dark moment seemed to have passed, she glanced back up at him to find his eyes once again on hers.

“You haven’t answered me.”

Elise hesitated; she really didn’t know what to say...It was all just too confusing. The way she was feeling about him, the emotions he seemed to bring out in her, the physical attraction between them, his offer to help her leave Dale – she had no idea what to make of it all. Too much had happened too quickly and she felt like her head was struggling to catch up.

“I don’t know, Vaughn “she said “You have to understand that this for me...this is a big thing. I’ve been married for ten years and despite our...differences...he is my husband ‘til death do us part. Clichéd, I know, but I didn’t take those vows lightly and part of me still believes that this marriage can work. Dale just needs to get....”

“He needs to get the fuck out of your life.” Vaughn almost shouted, suddenly angry, cutting off the rest of her sentence. “He doesn’t deserve anything from you, not one single thing and I couldn’t give a shit about your vows! He broke those the moment he first touched you in anger. How far has he gone, Elise? How far?!” His eyes were dark pools of anger, spitting flames at her as he stood above her, dominating her, scaring her. She had been here before – she did not want to be here again.

“What the hell do you mean?” she shouted back, “Who the hell do you think you are, bringing me here, demanding things, passing judgement on my life and then trying to intimidate me? I DO NOT NEED THIS.” She almost screamed and went to get up from the sofa; to get out of there, to go somewhere, anywhere that she could be alone.

Vaughn quickly closed the distance between them and knelt on the floor in front of her, placing a gentle hand on her thigh; the heat transferring between them in that one touch, effectively rendering her helpless. He visually calmed himself and took a couple of deep breaths, his eyes imploring her to stay.

“I’m so sorry. Please. Stay. We need to talk - I need to talk.” he said, “I don’t want to scare you – shit, that’s the last thing I would ever want to do.”

“Look at me, Elise” he said and gently used his other hand to raise her chin, allowing their eyes to connect.

“Look at me...” Slowly she raised her eyes to his, “I would never, ever hurt you – I promise that with all my life. I may get angry, but believe me I would never take that out on you. Never. Please believe me.” He ran his hands absently through his hair. “Christ, I am so far out of my depth here, you have no idea.”

She continued to gaze steadily at him, watching as he struggled with whatever it was that he wanted to say.

“Do you believe me, Elise?” he asked softly and she nodded, realising in that moment that whatever else happened she did trust this man - implicitly. And that scared the life out of her. “I want to be in your life, Elise, and I need to understand. I need to know how far he has gone, how much he has hurt you and what exactly he has done to you. I have to know.”

Clasping her hands between her knees to stop them shaking, she looked down at the floor, absently noting the weave of his trousers as she tried to work out what to say. She knew that she owed this man the truth – wherever their future lay, it wouldn’t amount to anything unless they built it on truth.

“He has hit me,” she said quietly, “A lot – but never anywhere visible. Up until Friday he had never done anything in public. I have no idea why he came to the office; I guess that’s something I’ll have to try to Copyright 2016 - 2024