Twelve Days The Beginning - By Jade Reyner Page 0,30

you know, the adrenalin pumping with Dale and the fight. I told myself that all the way to the hospital, and had nearly got myself convinced that it hadn’t happened at all - until I arrived. They showed me into a small cubicle and I had to wait for an eternity for a doctor to come and see me. When he did it was a young doctor - a registrar I think he said - and all of a sudden, it was like the blinkers came off. Suddenly I was looking at a man and I was attracted to him and, Jesus, Elise, that is seriously fucked up.” He took another breath and this time he did look at her as he finished talking.

“I realised then that it was nothing to do with the fight, nothing to do with the adrenalin and it seriously made me think. I’ve always loved girls, Elise - I know I have. I’ve always chased girls, bedded girls every which way possible and I’ve always loved every sordid minute of it. But today for the first time ever, I began to think about having a man, bedding a man – wondering what it would feel like, and I felt myself getting aroused. I was aroused at the hospital, Elise and shit, I am so scared. I don’t understand this; I don’t understand why I am feeling like this or why it is happening now. I need you to help me, I have to work this out. Christ, Elise, I think I may be bi.”

As Cole’s words sank in Elise struggled to comprehend them and to think of the right thing to say. Hell, he had just landed something on her that she would have sworn she would never hear him say. Cole was renowned for his endless flirting with the women in the office, however harmless it usually was. Never once, in all of their years of friendship, had she ever heard him refer to men in that way at all. It wasn’t an issue for her - she was nothing if not open minded - but the gravity of what Cole had just told her meant that she had to make sure she had well and truly switched her brain on before responding. Damn tequila!

“Say something, Elise...,please. You’re the only person that I can trust with this. I have no idea what it means for me now, let alone tomorrow, but I need to know that you are still here for me and that our relationship won’t change. I love you with all my heart, Elise and if there was ever anyone I was going to be faithful for – it would be you.”

Elise watched as a single tear rolled down his cheek and she reached out to brush it away before kissing her hand and placing it on the side of his face.

“I could never shut you out, Cole - never. You will always be a part of my life, my very best friend and much more. Nothing will ever make me think less of you; in fact what you have discovered today just makes me think that you are one of the bravest people I know.” she swallowed.

“I don’t know what this means either but if you want me to help you figure it out, then you know that I am here for you. I love you too, Cole and you know that that will never change.”

The moment was quickly becoming intense and with the quantity of alcohol they had consumed, neither of them was in a fit state to talk about it any more. Elise reached for Cole and they hugged tightly, silently pouring out their emotions and giving and receiving comfort.

The clock in the hall abruptly chimed and Elise realised that it was gone midnight - getting a taxi back now would be virtually impossible, not to mention expensive.

“Hey baby. You want to stay over tonight?” she asked and gently pulled away from Cole so that she could look at him. “You can take the sofa and I’ve got some spare bedding somewhere.”

Cole nodded, his expression still troubled but more relaxed.

“Thanks. That would be great. I’m just not strong enough to face the inevitable questions right now and I need to get my head straight for a while longer. I need to work everything out and with you is the only place that I can do that. Thank you Elise, I love you.”

“I love you too, Cole Andrews. And thank Copyright 2016 - 2024