Twelve Days The Beginning - By Jade Reyner Page 0,24

even wanted to get things back on track. Things were rough right now but part of her still believed in her vows and so she supposed that she wanted to give Dale another chance. The real Dale that was. Not the one obscured by alcohol.

She also wanted to think about Vaughn and how she could possibly have let him kiss her like that. In the cold light of day, she had finally come to her senses. Although she had loved their moment and it had made her feel alive for the first time in ages, she knew that it was totally wrong and that nothing like that must ever happen again. Despite his insistence that it would and despite the fact that her lips were still tingling.

The other positive thing with Dale still being in hospital was that she could go out shopping with Celeste tomorrow guilt-free, and she acknowledged that that felt really good and was now something that she was very much looking forward to.

After sitting in the dark for what felt like an eternity, she made herself go and put the kettle on, hoping that a hot cup of tea would soothe her nerves. She stood and watched it absently, pondering on how things had suddenly become this complicated and wondering if life was ever going to be simple again. The irony of that was that her situation had been far from simple for a very long time – she had just gotten used to it, which was not an altogether good thing.

The kettle began to jump around in agitation signalling that it was boiled, at the exact moment that her mobile phone began to ring; both sounds breaking through the interminable silence.

Unaccustomed to the ringing, it took Elise a moment to register the sound before she dashed into the lounge, rummaging through her bag trying to find it thinking it must be the hospital. Why couldn’t they have called the landline? She had asked them to use the landline first. Cursing at the general population’s inability to follow instructions, she finally dug out her phone and answered it.

It wasn’t the hospital. It was Vaughn.

“Elise.” His ridiculously sexy drawl vibrated down the phone line causing her to tingle all over.

“How....” she swallowed, aware that that had come out as more of a squeak than a word.

“How the hell did you get this number?”

“Elise, I am your boss. There is nothing that I can’t find out if I choose to do so.” His voice rumbled in her ear, the almost dominant tone managing to be safe and dangerous at the same time.

“Why are you calling me, Vaughn? There is nothing for us to say.” Her voice barely wobbled and she was proud of herself.

“I disagree.” He stated matter-of-factly, “However, I was calling to enquire after your husband’s welfare. I presume you went to the hospital after you left here?”

“Yes, I did. He’s going to be OK.” She paused before adding the last statement. “No thanks to you.”

She heard his sharp intake of breath and knew that she had overstepped the mark. If it hadn’t been for Vaughn, then Cole and Dale would most likely still be fighting now and doubtless in a much worse condition. She had no idea why she was being so tetchy with him – she should really be thanking him.

“Sorry.... that was uncalled for. It’s just been a long day.” She hoped he took her apology at face value and made an allowance for her overwrought emotions. After all, there was little else that she could say.

“It’s OK, Elise,” she heard him blow out a breath, “I know that this must be difficult for you.”

He paused and she waited, wondering if he was expecting her to speak. She didn’t think she could even; she was done in. Anything that came out now was unlikely to make much sense. The silence lengthened but still she waited, hearing his breathing quicken on the other end.

“Elise, I need you to know something” he said eventually, his voice was low and seductive. She waited again, shivers running down her arms, nerves tingling and hand shaking at the connection with the phone – the connection with him.

“This thing between us isn’t over - not by a long shot. You and I will happen, husband or no husband. See you at work on Monday.”

He delivered his speech and then cut the connection. The line went dead.

Elise sat stunned, staring at the phone as if it could somehow help her make Copyright 2016 - 2024