Twelve Days The Beginning - By Jade Reyner Page 0,20

door opened fully, Vaughn turned to look at her, his voice no more than a whisper.

“This did happen, Elise.” He stood and walked over to the window, the telltale bulge in his trousers belying his outwardly calm exterior. With shaking hands, Elise smoothed her blouse one last time before turning towards the unwelcome intrusion.

The door had now opened fully to reveal Celeste, hopping madly from one foot to the other and regarding the two of them with a slightly odd expression. She looked at Elise in confusion then shook her head as if to clear it and turned her full attention to Elise.

“Elise, thank God, I’ve only just heard, I was out on a client visit. What the hell happened? Are you alright?” She came running over to the sofa and plopped down on the floor in front of Elise, in pretty much the same place as Vaughn had been moments before. “I heard that Cole is in the hospital..., something about a fight with Dale? Jesus, Elise, are you sure you’re OK?”

Across the room she became aware of Vaughn shifting and moving slightly but he had his back to them so she had no way of knowing what he was thinking. She looked back down at Celeste. “I’m fine ‘Leste, really. A bit shaken but not injured at all. I just stood by and watched it happen, really. Dale has a concussion, Cole just superficial cuts but they’ve both been taken for observation. The police arrested them first though – for assault and affray.”

“Shit, Elise, Cole arrested? And Dale? Jesus, what was going on? Annabel saw the whole thing but she’s not talking, God knows why! I just don’t get it. Why would Dale and Cole end up having a brawl in the reception for crying out loud?” Celeste was talking so quickly now that her words were making little sense and Elise was glad that her friend didn’t really seem to want any answers – she didn’t have any to give her. At the moment she was just hoping that Celeste didn’t pick up on any vibes between her and Vaughn, good or bad. The last thing she needed was her personal life out there on the office floor as fodder for the gossips. She had a sinking feeling though that it was more than likely already out there, after Dale’s performance.

“I really don’t know ‘Leste” she said. She hoped that she sounded convincing when she answered.

“Dale was calling Cole ‘pretty-boy’ and I think it just riled him a bit.” It sounded lame, even to her, but it was the best she could do without telling the whole, sordid story.

Celeste looked as if she was about to question her further but then must have thought better of it and chose to squeeze her leg in a comforting gesture instead. “Just as long as you’re alright Elise, that’s the main thing.”

Vaughn had been quiet the whole time, continuing to keep his back to them as he stared out of the window. As if only just remembering he was there, Celeste stood up and addressed his back.

“Nice deception there, Vaughn. No one had any clue that you were anything other than one of us. Especially considering how much advantage you took of the complimentary bar!” Celeste moved closer to him and nudged him on the shoulder in a friendly punch.

Elise thought she saw him stiffen momentarily but then he turned around and, for the first time since he had entered the reception area, he smiled, in Celeste’s direction.

“Is that so?” he said, “Am I not ‘one of you’ anymore, then?”

Celeste grinned “No freaking way! You’re one of them, the upstairs lot. Cole is too but he keeps in with the troops at ground level, if you know what I mean! But you..... rumour is you own more than half the company. That definitely makes you one of them!” Celeste paused a moment as if suddenly realising something.

“Shit! I guess that means you’re unavailable then? There’s probably some company protocol or other, isn’t there? Just bloody typical!”

This time Vaughn actually laughed and it was a beautiful sound resonating around the office -deep but with a hint of sexiness - and Elise felt her womanhood begin to throb again in response. Her reaction to this man was ridiculous. Crossing her legs to try to stem the feeling, she waited somewhat anxiously for his response. What if he said he was available? After all, he had been seen leaving the party with Olivia Copyright 2016 - 2024