Twelve Days The Beginning - By Jade Reyner Page 0,2

she had decided that she was going to get drunk; steaming, over the top, serious-hangover drunk. But by the time the bartender had reached her, she had calmed down some and remembered that she would need to stay sober to keep her wits about her. Dale had not been happy about her coming to the party in any case, a fact that he had demonstrated with absolute clarity last night. Having not seen him today, she had no idea what she would face when she returned home. All she knew was that if she rolled up steaming drunk, he would not be best impressed and would most likely demonstrate again, why she should not be allowed out on her own.

Grabbing a couple of mineral waters, she headed back to the table at the rear of the dance floor where Cole was now sitting with their friends. Pausing, she watched the dynamics of the table as Cole regaled them with some story or other.

To his left sat Bobby, the serious but dependable Deputy Manager. Bobby was in his late thirties and when Elise had first met him she had decided that he really needed to lighten up a little and have a serious makeover. On closer acquaintance though she had come to realise that he was quick-witted and caring and that underneath that serious exterior, was a calm and thoughtful man. Bobby was out on borrowed time tonight and she knew that his phone would be right next to him, gripped tightly in his hand. Bobby’s wife, Helen, was due to give birth to their first child any day now and although Bobby did not want to leave her side, Helen had insisted he come to the Christmas do - more to give her a break from his overprotective worrying than anything else.

On the other side of Cole sat Amelia; OK, not really one of their friends, but a relatively permanent fixture wherever Cole was. She was pressed tightly to his side, her ample chest brushing seductively against his arm. Cole was ignoring her – totally, and talking to Celeste on her other side.

Celeste was Elise’s partner-in-crime at these do’s. Fun and bubbly, she knew how to have a good time and loved the music and dancing as much as Elise. Her sense of humour was similar and there was many an occasion when Celeste and Elise would be sitting in a corner in hysterics, while everyone else just stared at them in disbelief. Elise loved Celeste and although they had only been friends a short while, she desperately hoped that the bubbly brunette would hang around for a long time to come. She needed someone uncomplicated like her to balance out the madness that was her existence.

Finally her eyes came to rest on Olivia, a new addition to the group. Olivia had only been working at Andrews & Andrews for a couple of weeks and was still learning the ropes. In her early twenties, Olivia was a good few years younger than Elise’s thirty-one, but they had still managed to share some good conversations. She was pretty, in an understated way and had an air of brittleness about her. She lacked confidence and stayed close to Elise and Cole, they being her main contacts at work, but she had something about her that Elise didn’t quite trust. When she had first arrived, Cole and the rest of the male staff had struggled to keep their comments to themselves. The combination of helpless-female and a well-endowed chest was toxic and if it hadn’t been for her age and inexperience, Elise knew that she would have been preyed upon well before now.

Finally reaching the table, she slotted in next to Cole where Bobby had been sat. He had just headed out to call his wife and check that she was still OK.

“Thanks, babe.” Cole gratefully took the mineral water and downed it in one. Amelia watched his throat move as he gulped down the water, a look of pure lust on her face and Elise had to struggle to stifle a laugh.

“So, what took you so long? I was beginning to think you’d run out on us” Cole draped his arm across her shoulder - much to the annoyance of Amelia - and turned the full level of his stare towards her. Whilst his comment was light-hearted, his eyes betrayed the depth of meaning and she knew that he had been terrified that she had bolted. Grateful for the fact that he Copyright 2016 - 2024