Twelve Days The Beginning - By Jade Reyner Page 0,177

you, my dear husband, no longer have any control over me or my life. I am done, completely and utterly done, and I couldn’t be happier. So thank you Dale, for finally allowing us to go our separate ways which is what we should have done a hell of a long time ago. I will collect my stuff later on and I don’t expect you to be here.”

She turned to walk back out of the door feeling completely and utterly elated. She was free, entirely and absolutely free and the irony was that it had been inadvertently granted by the one man who had been keeping her captive all of that time. Her husband. He had messed up, he had been playing away and now, in some sort of karma, he had been caught and there was absolutely nothing that he could do anymore. The power had shifted and she felt happier and freer than she had in a very long time. With a beaming smile, she began to descend the stairs and then as an afterthought, a further twist almost, she turned back to the still open door and addressed Dale’s companion.

“At least I now know why you weren’t at work today, Olivia.”

She delivered the statement calmly, immune to the shocked look on the other girl’s face and then she walked down the stairs, out of the front door and finally out of Dale Breedon’s life.

It felt damn good.

Back in her car, Elise headed in the direction of the office feeling as if a huge weight had been lifted. She couldn’t believe that she was finally free and that this time it was actually over. Without any shadow of a doubt whatsoever. At long last her relationship with Dale had ended. He didn’t have any grounds to refuse her a divorce now and he no longer had any hold over her. The days of hurt and pain could be put behind her and she could move on with her future. Ultimately it had been Dale that had ended things by his actions but she didn’t care as long as it was over. All she knew was that she had been given her wings and now she was going to stretch them out and fly free, away from the poisonous world she’d been living in and onto something pure and new, something untainted. Something real.

At least she now understood why Dale hadn’t been worried about having sex with her. For an instant she almost felt sorry for Olivia, wondering if the girl knew what she was getting into, but she found that actually, she really didn’t care. Olivia had made her feelings towards Elise perfectly clear over the last few months and in some respects, Elise felt that Olivia and Dale deserved each other. Good luck to them – all she knew was that whatever plan they had plotted had totally backfired and she was the happiest she had been for a very long time.

As she continued to drive she maintained the huge smile on her face, anxious to get back to the office to talk to Stephen and tell him what had happened. She knew that she didn’t deserve anything as far as Vaughn was concerned but if she spoke to Stephen, then maybe he could give her some idea as to whether or not there may now be a future for her and Vaughn. She desperately hoped that there could be; she was still in love with him and would be for as long as she lived.

Whilst she continued to mull this thought over, she suddenly remembered why she had been at home in the first place – she had gone to pick up her phone so that she could call Stephen. With everything that had happened since she had completely forgotten so she quickly pulled the car over to the side of the road and retrieved her phone from her bag.

She powered it up and checked the screen, surprised to see that she had a number of missed calls from Stephen – perhaps he had been trying to contact her to get her to cover for him or something. Just as she was about to press the button to call him back, the phone began to ring in her hand and seeing that it was Stephen again, she answered with a big smile.

“And where the hell do you think you are today?” she said and laughed. For once his sometimes questionable antics didn’t bother her at all.

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