Twelve Days The Beginning - By Jade Reyner Page 0,165

calls? I am sick and tired of being lied to by everyone and that includes you.” She pointed her finger at him. “I suggest you start talking now or I may be forced to suggest that Mr Granger relieves you of your duties.”

The threat was below the belt but after so many days of being on almost house arrest, Elise was losing the will to live and seriously needed some answers. Unfortunately for Sean, he just seemed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and he was the one that was going to have to give them.

“I can’t say anything, Miss Grayson.” Sean replied, seemingly unperturbed by her largely empty threat. “If you want answers then you really need to get them from Mr Granger – I am just doing my job.”

“Yes, well maybe you won’t have a job by the time I’ve finished with you.” she snarled at him but again, the threat appeared to fall on deaf ears.

“My job is to keep you safe, Miss Grayson, and that is what I intend to do. Over and above that, any issues need to be addressed to Mr Granger.”

Bloody Mr Granger. Did the whole sodding world revolve around Mr bloody Granger?

Elise was seriously mad now but also realised that she wasn’t going to get anywhere with the security guard. She desperately needed her own space; she needed to be on her own. She needed to be able to breathe without worrying that someone would come and check on her and she needed to think. She was going to be seeing Dale tonight and she needed to work out what she was going to say to him. How she was going to broach the subject so that she could get the outcome that she needed. She couldn’t do any of those things stuck in Vaughn’s house with a beefcake watching her every move. She needed to get out.

When they had left the flat a few minutes ago, she had spotted her car parked just outside and realised that the keys were on the hook in the kitchen – she remembered seeing Sean hang them up yesterday. All she needed to do was distract him long enough so that she could get the keys and then make a run out of the door to her car. Hopefully, she would be able to get there before he realised she was gone and then she could treat herself to a few hours of peace at least. Vaughn would be seriously angry, she knew that. But she would leave her mobile phone on so that he could contact her and reassure himself that she was safe.

First of all she had to get to the keys so she needed to get Sean out of the lounge long enough to enable her to quickly dash into the adjoining kitchen. Her handbag! That was in the bedroom with her phone in it. She would ask him to fetch that for her which should just about give her enough time to grab the keys.

She started by apologising; she wouldn’t get anywhere if she didn’t start being nice to him.

“I’m sorry, Sean.” She said. “I appreciate you’re just doing your job, it’s just really hard for me being constantly watched all the time. I’ll talk to Vaughn about it tonight and I won’t say anything to him about you needing another job. You’ve been nothing but professional and it’s not right for me to threaten you like that.” She looked across to him and saw that he was nodding slightly in acknowledgement of her apology. “I really am sorry.” she finished.

Recognising that he was starting to warm to her a little again, she decided to go for broke and execute the rest of her hastily concocted plan.

“I wonder,” she asked “would you be able to pop into the bedroom and get my bag for me? There is some lip balm in there which I could do with after that walk outside. Thank you.”

Ever the professional, Sean obliged and quietly headed off in the direction of the bedroom. As soon as he had gone, Elise leaped up from the sofa and dashed into the kitchen as if her life depended on it, rapidly grabbing the keys off the hook and just about making it back to the sofa before Sean returned.

“There you go, Miss.” Sean said handing Elise her bag. Outwardly he appeared the same as every and showed no sign of realising that she had been anywhere Copyright 2016 - 2024