Twelve Days The Beginning - By Jade Reyner Page 0,159

turned her on even more and before she knew it, she was close to her release.

“Shit baby, yeah...”said Vaughn as he closed his eyes and let his head loll back onto the bed.

He reached down with one hand and began to pump the base of his shaft himself, colliding with her mouth on every stroke which only added to the eroticism of the act. This whole situation was mind-blowing and Elise suddenly found herself wanting to taste his release, to take all of him, like she had never done before.

“Fuck baby...I’m so close...” groaned Vaughn and Elise lifted her head momentarily to check what he wanted her to do. She was so inexperienced in these matters it was laughable and having never really done the whole oral sex thing, she wasn’t sure how to play out the next part.

“What do you want me to do? I’ve never....” she stopped, almost embarrassed to admit to Vaughn that she had never gone this far before. Vaughn smiled as he obviously registered her nervousness and he reached down and tenderly ruffled her hair for a moment.

“Baby – you do whatever you want to. I need to come and I can’t deny it would blow my mind to watch you swallow me but if you’re not comfortable then we can do something else. I want you to enjoy everything that we do together, Angel, and I will never force you to do anything you don’t want to do.” Sincerity was written all over his face and Elise knew what she wanted – no, needed, to do.

“I want to – I just don’t know how to and what if I don’t like it?” she asked feeling like a naive virgin – she was thirty-one years old, for Christ’s sake!

“Just do what comes naturally, baby. Just let it happen and if you don’t like it, then we won’t do it again. I promise.” Vaughn continued to caress her hair and Elise found herself relaxing completely – she was going to do this, she was really going to do this.

She dropped her head back down and took him in her mouth again, this time working him in a faster rhythm which she mirrored with her other hand through her nightdress, continuing to caress herself. Vaughn groaned as she took him in as deep as she possibly could and she was amazed to realise that this was actually a massive turn-on for her too. Never would she have thought she could enjoy this as much as she was but she had found that she was learning and discovering so many things about herself and her sexuality since she had met this man and so far, all of them were good.

Upping the tempo further she felt his shaft stiffen more in her mouth and realised that he was getting close. She increased the pace of her other hand, determined that they were going to find their release together, so long had it been since they had been able to do anything other than lightly hug.

“Shit.....” ground out Vaughn “I’m coming baby – are you ready for me? Fuuccckkkk.....”

Elise bobbed her head as if in acknowledgement and sucked one final time as she felt him stiffen totally and then abruptly her mouth was filled with the warmness that was his seed. Greedily, she swallowed it down, relieved to realise that the taste wasn’t at all repulsive and concentrated on sucking every last ounce out of him as she plunged headlong into her own mind-blowing release.

Elise stirred a while later to find Vaughn awake and propped on one elbow watching her. Instantly, she was reminded of the very first night that they had ever spent together in his flat when she had woken to exactly the same image. She smiled up at him and he reached down and dropped a light kiss on her forehead.

“That – that was amazing, baby.” He said and smiled at her. “I need to wake up like that every single morning of my life.”

“Ha...I see.” laughed Elise, “Well, I need my beauty sleep so you might find you’ll have to go somewhere else if you want that kind of service every day.” She was teasing but the second the words left her mouth she regretted them as she saw the anger flare in his eyes.

“Don’t you ever say things like that, Elise. I do not want anyone else – ever. If I can’t be with you then I’d rather be on my own. I don’t want Copyright 2016 - 2024