Twelve Days The Beginning - By Jade Reyner Page 0,130

down her cheeks. Never before had anyone sent her anything so heartfelt and beautiful and it touched her right down to her core. She had been the one to push him away on Friday with her harsh words but still here he was apologising for needing some space. She had blamed him for everything going wrong in her life, which was completely unfair. She had been awful to him and he had gone and bought her presents. The reality of how much this man had put himself on the line for her over the last few days began to sink in and she sobbed even louder, no longer caring that her life was continuing to play out in full view of the office.

To her right, she heard Stephen pick up the phone and speak into it and suddenly she was engulfed in a pair of arms – arms that felt so good, like coming home - and she clung onto Cole for dear life as he steered her to one of the small meeting rooms, sitting her down and locking the door behind him.

Cole pulled up a chair adjacent to her and pulled her tight into his side, allowing her to cry, whilst silently holding her and comforting her as he had done so many times before. Eventually she cleared her throat and began to talk; letting all of the frustration and confusion of the last few days out to the only person in the world she trusted with all her heart.

“What the hell have I done, Cole? I have made such a bloody mess of everything. I was mad at Vaughn, I was horrible to him and he left. I thought that was it – who would want to get involved with me anyway? I didn’t speak to him again and then that bitch Olivia told me she was waiting for him so I thought he was with her this weekend. Shit, maybe he was. But then Dale - he was weird this weekend - good weird - and we had a weekend like the old days. It threw me totally and my brain was so messed up with Vaughn and Olivia and I didn’t know what the hell was going on. I let Dale make love to me, Cole, and I hated every moment but I also knew it was right, knew it was how it should be. But the whole time, the whole time I was thinking of Vaughn and how I felt that I had betrayed him. I told Vaughn that I wouldn’t sleep with Dale but I thought that he was with Olivia and that that made it OK. But now I’ve just opened this e-mail Cole, a beautiful, wonderful e-mail and he has bought me presents and I just don’t know what the hell is going on anymore. I don’t know who I am betraying with who and all I know is that I have feelings for Vaughn yet I slept with Dale. My marriage is over but how can I tell Vaughn that I slept with Dale willingly and what if he has been with Olivia? Where does that leave me? Us? Christ, this is all such a mess.”

“Sshh... Elise, it’s OK. It’ll all be OK, I promise.” Cole murmured soothingly as he rubbed her back in endless circles. “It feels bad now but I’m sure it can all be sorted out.”

“But how? How can this be sorted out? I want to be with Vaughn, more than I have ever wanted anything in my life but I can’t pretend that I didn’t betray his trust. I told him I wouldn’t sleep with Dale and I did. It happened and I can’t lie to him Cole, I will not build my future on lies. And for all that I know, he has spent the whole weekend with bloody Olivia anyway. Shit. This is so messed up.”

Cole was prevented from replying by a discreet knock at the door. Getting up to unlock it, he opened the door to reveal Stephen who entered carrying two small but beautifully wrapped parcels.

“I got these out of your drawer.” He said, handing them to Elise. “Vaughn told me he had put them there and he wanted me to make sure you got them. I know that now might not be the time but I thought maybe you should open them; perhaps it might help.” He shrugged and then patted Cole on the back before heading out the door.

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