Twelve Days The Beginning - By Jade Reyner Page 0,12

hold her ground, refusing to be the one to break contact or show any weakness. “A decision involving you leaving the team is not one that I consider to be suitable and therefore I find myself already overriding any such scenario. You have been top seller for the past two months” he paused, allowing her to take on board the implication of his statement “Besides which, Miss Grayson, I find that I want you very much and I am not a man accustomed to being denied.” He delivered the last sentence completely deadpan although the heat beginning to reflect in his eyes belied the fact that he was unaffected.

There was an intensity to this man that both aroused and frightened Elise. He had no right to stake any claim over her, she was married, and she was totally sick and tired of people thinking that this made no difference whatsoever. However she couldn’t deny the feelings rushing through her body at the thought of being at the complete mercy of this stunning man.

Realising that she was in danger of losing ground, Elise physically backed up a little and strove to keep an evenness to her tone that she was far from feeling. “Mr I stated in my e-mails this morning, I am a married woman and as such, I am completely unavailable to be wanted by anyone other than my husband – let alone a drunken letch, with, it would seem, more money than sense.” She took a breath and then continued.

“I enjoy my job very much, particularly the conference and venues side of it, and so I will continue to work for you off site. I would however be grateful if you could refrain from e-mailing me again unless it is a work related matter. As such, perhaps we could just forget that this conversation ever took place.”

Satisfied and hoping that she had finally put him in his place, Elise turned for the door, anticipating that he would get the message and leave her the hell alone. Whilst she knew that some men enjoyed chasing unavailable women, she didn’t flatter herself that she was worthy of chasing in any way. Now she had outlined once and for all the obstacles that stood in his way, she felt sure that he would get the message and move on. Perhaps back to Olivia.

The problem was that she was undeniably attracted to him, big time, and if he decided to persist with his unwanted attentions then she wasn’t sure - given the state of her marriage - how long she would be able to hold him at bay. For her own sanity, she needed to make him understand that the two of them becoming in any way involved would only lead to heartache.

Suddenly an image of Olivia swam before her eyes and the fact that the other girl had not looked happy when she arrived this morning was testament to the damage that this man could do. She had no idea what had gone one between the two of them last night but, given that he was busily propositioning her this morning, it was relatively clear that Vaughn had already moved on and she most definitely did not need anybody that fickle in her life.

Elise had never been a one-night girl and there was absolutely no way that she would be making any exceptions for anyone. At all. Ever.

As she reached the door, she was surprised to feel the hairs on the back of her neck tingle in warning. Before she had a chance to process what this meant, two strong arms either side of her pinned her to the door and a hard body pressed into her back.

She shivered involuntarily as Vaughn’s ridiculously sexy voice rumbled against her ear, low and sinfully hot and, if she wasn’t mistaken, full of desire.

“Miss Grayson....” the way he said her name, the way he rounded the ‘g’ and slightly rolled the ‘r’ almost had her melting on the spot and she continued to hold onto the door, relying on its solidity to keep her upright. She really was in big trouble.

“You will be mine; that is a given. The sooner you give up the fight the better. However never let it be said that I don’t enjoy a good chase and never...” His arms moved infinitesimally, pulling her just that little bit closer. His breath was now hot and heavy in her ear and she could feel his arousal pressing into her back. Copyright 2016 - 2024