Twelve Days The Beginning - By Jade Reyner Page 0,117

enveloping her in a big hug.

“So, what happened? Can’t I leave you on your own for five minutes?” She could feel Cole’s chest rumbling against hers as he spoke and she allowed herself a brief moment to inhale his comforting scent.

“Ha ha, very funny.” She pushed away from him and went around to the boot to collect her bag. Vaughn already had his and was about to walk into the building when Cole stopped him.

“Vaughn, Elise – there’s something you need to know. That’s why I came down here. I wanted to give you the heads up.” He stopped and took Elise’s hand, rubbing it absently with his thumb. Vaughn’s eyes drifted and noted the gesture but he didn’t comment.

“Everyone knows what happened at the conference; it’s all round the office. It seems that Tilly called Annabel to let her know you would be coming back early and – well, you can imagine the rest. The rumour mill is in overdrive and although no one knows the full story people are speculating about why you would get into a fight over Elise, Vaughn. Everyone knows she is married and the reactions are ranging from shock to morbid excitement, depending on which side of the fence you are sitting on. Stephen and I have been fire-fighting for the last couple of hours but there is only so much we can do. Oh and Elise, Olivia is seriously pissed.” Cole finished talking and glanced across at Elise. So too did Vaughn.

“Shit! Christ, Elise, I am so sorry – I just didn’t think. Fuck – what a mess.” Vaughn rubbed his hand across his eyes. “I better go in and talk to them and see what I can do. It’s no one’s business but ours. Christ, I really didn’t want your name dragged through the mud over this.”

Elise reached across and put a hand on his arm. “It’s OK, Vaughn,” she said resigned, “This was bound to come out sooner or later. Later would have been better but we’ll have to deal with it, I guess. I’ll be the scarlet woman for a while but the people that matter to me know the truth and that’s all I care about.” As she finished speaking, a sudden thought crossed her mind.

“Christ – Dale! Does he know any of this?” As far as she was aware, Dale was not on speaking terms with any of her colleagues but he had met some of them a few times at various functions. If he had happened to phone in for her, maybe to see what time she was getting back, then someone may have let it slip. Technically, all that had happened was that Vaughn had defended her against some over amorous delegate. Unfortunately his behaviour was so over the top, that she doubted anyone would believe that that was all there was to it. All it took was a vivid imagination and the very efficient rumour mill and, hey presto, something very close to the truth could easily be circulating.

“Not as far as I know, babe.” answered Cole, “but I wouldn’t know if he’s called your direct line and spoken to anyone. Hopefully, if he did, he spoke to Stephen. Annabel said that no one had called for you when I asked her on the way down. I’ve been telling everyone to mind their own business and that you would never cheat on your husband but I don’t know how much good it’s done. The evidence is fairly overwhelming and from the look on your faces I know that I’ve been lying to them. Everyone else will see it in a heartbeat. We can keep lying, babe, and you know I would do that for you but maybe it’s time to face up to all of this. When people know the whole truth about your life, they won’t judge you because they won’t be able to. Besides which, I really am a crap liar.”

Elise gave Cole a watery smile – he really was the world’s worst liar, just as she had told Vaughn herself earlier today. Maybe she did need to own up to the truth but in the cold light of day, what the hell had it got to do with any of her colleagues anyway? Her marriage may be in trouble but that was no one’s business but hers and she was damned if she was going to let some dried up old harridans dictate who should and shouldn’t know.

“Thanks, Cole, but I’m not Copyright 2016 - 2024