Twelve Days The Beginning - By Jade Reyner Page 0,115

thoughts. If Vaughn hadn’t stopped then, she wasn’t sure that she would have. She was well aware that they were in a public place but ever since last night in the ballroom, she had found herself thinking more and more about the thrill of being caught and she was scared to realise just how much that turned her on. She had never considered herself to be an exhibitionist and certainly wasn’t in that league now but this extra dimension to sex was something that she had never experienced and she wanted more of it. It was like she had been kept under lock and key, set in her ways and now she was free; let out, able to experience everything new and fresh and she wanted to make the most of this opportunity.

“You ok, Elise?” Vaughn asked as she continued to remain silent.

She turned to him and smiled. “I’m fine...” She paused, “It’s been a hell of a couple of days.”


They finally arrived back at the office just after 4.30pm having hit some traffic on the motorway. Elise was hoping that they could just slip in unnoticed so that she could collect her car and head home. She was shattered and needed some time to process everything that had happened. Had it really been only yesterday that she had left the office?

As Vaughn pulled into his parking space and killed the engine, he put his hand on her arm to stop her when she went to get out of his car.

“This isn’t the end, Elise. Promise me that you won’t give up on us now. I know that we have a lot to work through and that this is not ideal timing - perhaps for either of us - but this needs to happen. I need this to happen.” He released a breath and ran his hand through his hair, leaving it to flop adorably over his face. She loved it when he did that.

“We’ve got Christmas coming up,” he continued, “so I’ll be heading over to my sister’s for a few days. We’ll be apart by necessity but you have to remember what I’ve said and trust that I mean this. After Christmas we’ll talk, I promise. This will happen.”

Elise looked across at Vaughn and nodded. “I don’t have any answers,” she said “but last night changed a lot of things for me too and I know that I’m not done here either. Maybe the time apart will be good for us – less intense. Perhaps with clearer heads we’ll be able to sort through what this all means to us individually.”

Her words sounded convincing but her heart was beyond believing them. The thought of not seeing him for a few days was already tearing her apart and it terrified her how far he had insinuated himself into her life in such a short space of time. She had no idea how she was going to go home and pretend like everything was exactly as it always had been. She was no actress but she was going to have to find some skills from somewhere, somehow.

Vaughn leaned across and grabbed her face in-between his hands, making sure that she looked directly into his eyes.

“I have no right to ask this, but I am going to anyway.” He hesitated, almost as if searching for the right words. “Can you promise me that you won’t sleep with Dale? I can’t bear to think of him touching you. I know that he is your husband and that you both have every right to in a way, but I just need to hold onto the fact that you are being faithful to me while we are apart – however twisted that might sound.”

Totally twisted but utterly beautiful. Elise turned her head and kissed his palm, lingering there for a moment.

“I can’t promise you that I won’t have sex with Dale. If he’s had a drink then...well, you know. But I can promise you that I won’t sleep with Dale voluntarily. It’s been a long time since it’s been consensual anyway.....” she stopped as painful memories crowded in and she mentally pushed them away. “Since last night, there is no way that I could give him what he needs now. I need to move on from my life with him but you are going to have to let me sort it out in my own way and in my own time. That’s the best I can promise.”

Vaughn looked at her and she watched as Copyright 2016 - 2024