Twelve Days The Beginning - By Jade Reyner Page 0,112

about him at all. She knew that he had money but she had no idea where it had come from. She knew that he had bought a controlling stake in Andrews & Andrews yet he still seemed to answer to Mr Andrews Snr. She knew that he wasn’t married – at least she hoped that he wasn’t - and she knew that he had been hopelessly drunk the first night she had met him. She had also gleaned some connection to Stephen’s sister Natalie, who, until a few days ago, Elise didn’t even know existed. She remembered him saying that he had a happy home life with parents and a sister living some distance away. And she also knew that he had slept with Olivia.

That was the sum total of her knowledge of Mr Vaughn Granger.

Unable to bear the silence any longer she decided to try to talk and see if she could make sense of things. They had shared a connection last night and his reaction to Edwin Dunn had suggested that he must have some feelings for her if he was willing to fight her corner like that. She just hoped that there was still something there for them to salvage out of all of this mess and was beyond understanding how on earth things had suddenly become even more complicated.

“Vaughn – I need to know.” She began quietly, hesitantly. “What the hell happened back there?”

Vaughn looked across at her, his eyes dark and empty, and she had the distinct feeling that he had almost forgotten that she was there. Lost in his own world, lost in his past or perhaps even his present. Wherever he was, it was a place that was clearly the origin of heartache and a place that had caused this beautiful, strong man to break down in her arms.

“I....” he began, hesitantly, reluctantly, “I saw him - Edwin Dunn - when I came out of the conference room. He had his hand on your arm, you were trying to get away and bloody Sam was just stood there, totally oblivious. I could see you were scared, Elise, and I couldn’t bear it – I just saw red and lost control. I needed to get to you and to get him away from you and things got out of hand. No one touches you like that – ever. No one.”

His defence of her honour was one thing and his desire to protect her had been overwhelming. She had never had anyone look out for her before and the fact that he had cared enough to put his career and health on the line touched her deep down, somewhere near her heart. In places that he had no business residing.

But that didn’t change the fact that she had been really scared of what he would do – scared that he would seriously hurt the man. He didn’t seem to know when to stop. That had been a side to Vaughn that she hadn’t known existed and a side that she would rather not have seen. She shivered involuntarily as the shock started to kick in.

“I thought you were going to kill him, Vaughn. I was so scared.” She whispered. “He really didn’t do anything to me and I’m fairly certain he wouldn’t have carried through with his threats. You saw him afterwards; he was a decent bloke just down on his luck. If I hadn’t managed to stop you, I dread to think what would have happened.” Elise shivered again, the reality at last hitting home.

“I was always in control, Elise. He was never in any danger. I just needed him to get the message and leave you the hell alone. You are mine. No one messes with what is mine.” He glanced across at her in the dusk light of the car, his voice controlled and dark and not for the first time she realised what a commanding force this man could be. She needed to make him understand that she was not anybody’s property and moreover, realise how close to Dale tendencies he was sailing, with his current attitude. She would not enter another relationship based on violence, regardless of how well intentioned it was.

“I’ve never seen anyone so angry. Even Dale after a drink would be no match for what I’ve just witnessed.”

Vaughn flinched, no doubt at the comparison with her husband but he needed to understand that he had overstepped the mark. Violence was a daily part of her life and Copyright 2016 - 2024