Twelve Days The Beginning - By Jade Reyner Page 0,108

Typically though her body gave her away and she blushed furiously, causing Celeste’s eyes to widen.

“You did, didn’t you? You did the down and dirty with the boss-man last night, didn’t you? Jesus, Elise, you lucky bitch – I hate you. How was it? Shit, I bet he’s good, isn’t he?”

“’Leste, will you please keep your voice down?” Elise pleaded, knowing that it was only a matter of time before someone tuned into their conversation. “I don’t want to talk about it right now.”

“You know you do – who else can you share all your sordid secrets with? Just tell me; is that body as good as it looks?”

“That body is better than it looks.” Elise replied, reluctantly finding herself drawn into the conversation.

“Shit! You lucky bitch.”

“And for the record,” Elise continued, keen to get as much information out as quickly as she could in order to end this embarrassing conversation, “It was hot – seriously hot. The most erotic experience of my life. He doesn’t want that to be the end for us; I don’t know what that means long-term but at least I know he felt something too.”

“Jeez, Elise, you’re such an idiot sometimes. Anyone with eyes can see he feels something too. I’m pleased for you even if I am just little bit envious. I shall have to get my Vaughn-fix vicariously so lady, full details please as soon as we get a chance!”

Elise rolled her eyes at her friend. “There really isn’t much to tell, besides, it is way beyond complicated. I have to sort out my marriage first and talk to Dale about what’s going to happen. I made up my mind yesterday that I am going to leave him but I’ve not told Vaughn yet as I don’t want him to think that the break-up of my marriage has anything to do with him. It would have happened sooner or later; it’s just that Vaughn coming along has made things a whole lot clearer for me. There are things that need to be said and done before I can consider any kind of future with anyone else.”

“Makes sense,” Celeste agreed “and don’t worry - I won’t say anything to anyone. I’m here if you need me, you know that.”

Elise gave her friend a quick hug. “Thanks.”

“So anyway, what happened with you and Roger then? You weren’t exactly taking much notice of anyone else yourself last night?” Elise asked and then watched startled as a dreamy look came across her friend’s face, something that she had never witnessed before.

“Let’s just say we had our fair share of down and dirty too...and boy, does that man do dirty!”

“Eugghh, ‘Leste – too much information!” protested Elise.

“Well you did ask!” defended Celeste. “He may not have the body of boss-man but he has some pretty tidy moves going on and I just feel this weird kind of connection with him. It’s odd but we both feel it so I guess we’ll just see where it takes us. Hopefully to many more horizontal – and vertical – parties!” And with a wink she sauntered off, leaving Elise open-mouthed in her wake. She still struggled with her friend’s crassness sometimes but it was all part of her charm and at least you always knew where you stood with Celeste. There was certainly a lot to be said for that.

By the time Elise had finished updating her client records, the conference had broken for coffee break and she found herself approached by a number of people keen to get some more information. Most of the questions were standard and she answered them automatically, providing them with all of the literature that she could as a back up. She knew that they were unlikely to get any commitments today as most of them would need to discuss any change in their accountancy practices with their client’s but by the end of the break, she had at least half a dozen that she would be able to chase up over the next few weeks.

The majority of the delegates had returned to the conference room after their coffee when Elise found herself cornered on one side, just slightly away from the stand and by an older gentleman. He was mid-fifties, grey and balding with a slight paunch and wearing the trademark high street pinstriped suit.

“Can I help you at all?” Elise asked professionally, starting to edge back towards the stand to grab some literature.

The man looked her up and down and then blocked her Copyright 2016 - 2024