Twelve Days The Beginning - By Jade Reyner Page 0,10

in a half smile, making her want to rub her thumb along the line and change its shape. His hair was slightly longer than she remembered last night, curling suggestively at the nape of his neck and he was dressed in a dark navy suit which complemented the depth of his eyes. Although he was sitting, she could see that he had broad shoulders and when he leaned back, his light blue shirt stretched across a chest and abs that made her mouth water. Dale used to have a little definition to his torso but nothing like this and he’d let himself go a while since anyway. She suddenly realised how much she missed seeing a man with a perfect – no, mouth-watering - body.

This man could not be described merely as perfect though. He was totally and utterly out of this world; his legs were long, indicating his height and they were at present crossed lazily under his desk. Her eyes automatically followed the movement as he crossed and un-crossed them lingering for a brief second on the forbidden area just above his thighs. Oh God, this was bad. Mentally, she gave herself a shake and forced her eyes back up to more ‘acceptable’ areas. Elise hadn’t crushed on a boy for years and she had never crushed on a man – not even Dale when they first met. The feelings enveloping her body as she stood, still unspeaking in this complete strangers office, were totally alien to her and she wasn’t entirely sure whether or not she liked them.

Chapter Four

Aware that she had been staring for an inordinate amount of time and now feeling ridiculously embarrassed, Elise finally drew her eyes back up to Vaughn’s face, slightly alarmed to find dark brown eyes regarding her with a somewhat amused expression. Trying to control a sudden hot flush, she moved further into the room so that she was standing directly in front of his desk.

All sense appeared to have left Elise the second that she walked in the door so she took a moment to mentally pull herself together and draw herself up to her full five foot and four inches. She knew that he was watching her every move and felt the heat of his gaze as it travelled down her height; taking in her small but ample curves, sweeping down the gentle slope of her belly, following on to her legs which today were encased in sheer black tights and finishing at her functional black heels. Her body burned with heat wherever his eyes lingered and she didn’t need to look to know the second that he had finished his scrutiny. His eyes took a leisurely route back up her body and then eventually connected with hers again, a heat flaring between them as bright blue met dark dark brown. Still neither of them had spoken.

Catching her thoughts before they became any more wayward, she opened her mouth to address him, only to be stopped abruptly by his smooth, husky tone. Having only heard him speak a few words last night and most of those slurred, she was pleasantly surprised to find his tone both warm and alluring. She began to imagine him in another time and place; whispering in her ear, telling her what he would like to do to her body, telling her that she was beautiful. A warm feeling passed through her, igniting goose bumps along the way and Elise was startled to realise that she was getting aroused, feeling a dampness beginning to pool in her panties. She also realised that she had not heard one thing that Vaughn had said.

As if aware that her thoughts had wandered yet again, Vaughn coughed to bring her back to the present and addressed her once more.

“Miss Grayson. What a pleasant surprise,” he commented innocently. “I wasn’t aware we had a meeting?”

A meeting? The nerve of the man. Not ten minutes ago, he had been propositioning her by e-mail and now he was suggesting that she needed permission to be in his office.

“A meeting? Hang on a minute...” she spluttered “What the hell are you talking about and what’s with this Miss Grayson business? How do you even know my last name?” She was starting to get angry now as more and more things didn’t make sense. “Last night you were Vaughn, a drunken letch, a new colleague and one that I was planning to avoid like the plague. Today you are Mr Vaughn Granger, Managing Copyright 2016 - 2024