Turbulent Intentions (Billionaire Aviators #1) - Melody Anne Page 0,65

who sold her art in galleries around the country. Just your average family, really—I have three brothers, no sisters.”

“That would explain all the photographs of you around the house. You obviously enjoy spending time with your family.”

“Yes, my brothers and I are incredibly close.”

“Okay, so I know Nick is in the Coast Guard, but what does Maverick do?”

“Are you sure you want to hear about them? I’m much more interesting,” he said with a laugh.

She agreed. But to know him she needed to know his family, too.

“Yes, I’m sure I want to hear.”

“All right. First there’s Nick, who you know is a Coast Guard pilot. Then there’s Maverick, who flies an F-18 for the Airforce and is based here at McChord Field. Then there’s Ace . . . Ace has been away for a while.”

The slight crack in his voice intrigued her, but she could see that wasn’t something she could push him to talk about so she didn’t.

“It’s really cool that you all share a love of flying,” she mumbled.

“Yeah, it just sort of happened. Our father and our uncle were pilots, and we all fell in love with flying at a young age, none of us realizing that it would become a career for us,” he explained.

“What made each of you choose such different avenues of flying?”

“I don’t know, to tell you the truth. When I decided to do it as a profession, I wanted to fly bigger and bigger planes, though I’m telling you it’s not as much of a joy as flying my personal aircraft. Mav always wants adventure and speed, and I think Nick likes being a hero,” he said.

“You are quite the trio,” she said. She desperately wanted to ask about Ace, but he wasn’t speaking of his youngest brother so she didn’t want to pry.

“Do you want more wine?”

“I think I’m good,” she told him, knowing she didn’t want to lose her wits.

The darkness of the room, the warm fire, and the wine were quickly sinking her resolve. And the look in Cooper’s eyes nearly burned her alive.

“Good, then I’m going to hold you.”

He didn’t give her a chance to refuse him; he simply stood up, picked her up, and then sat back down, pulling her onto his lap.

“I don’t think this is a good idea, Cooper,” she said, though she wasn’t trying to pull away.

“A lot of things in life aren’t a good idea,” he replied.

His hand trailed down her back and Stormy leaned into him without even realizing it. This man was affecting her more than she wanted him to.

He said nothing else and she felt her eyes drooping as her head rested against his chest. She struggled with whether to take this to the next level, to make love with him again . . .

Soon the decision was out of her hands. She drifted peacefully to sleep.

Cooper glanced down, realizing Stormy had relaxed enough in his arms to let her guard down. Smiling, he gazed at her peaceful beauty. He leaned in and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

“We’re getting closer,” he whispered.

He slowly stood, cradling her in his arms. He was falling for this woman in a way he’d told himself he never would. And it was both terrifying and exciting. But even being shaken to his bones, he still couldn’t manage to take her to her own room.

He slipped inside his door and laid her on the bed, not even letting her go for a moment as he clasped her in his arms and held on tight.

For the first time in a long while, he fell asleep with his lips tilted up.


The ringing of the doorbell startled Stormy as she was putting the finishing touches on a new bouquet on the kitchen table. She’d never had access to beautiful flowers, and now that she did, she decided it was a luxury she would continue when her time at Cooper’s was over. She loved how bright they were and how they left a subtle scent in the air.

She turned toward the door. It was the first time someone had come to the house with just her there. She didn’t know why she was concerned.

Obviously whoever was visiting had the code to the gate to get in, so there was nothing to worry about.

When she peeked out the side window and found Sherman standing outside, she immediately unlocked the house and threw the door wide open.

“I’ve missed you,” she said, not hesitating as she threw her arms around

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