Turbulent Intentions (Billionaire Aviators #1) - Melody Anne Page 0,4

her face.

Finally, Cooper was the one to speak again. “Mom? What in the hell is going on?”

She gave her son a sad smile. “Your father and I have watched the four of you lose your way these past several years. He knew he was dying and he’d run out of time to guide you, shape you. He didn’t want to lose you forever, as I don’t. So he changed the will.”

The boys waited for her to go on, but she sat there silently.

“We’re rich without his money,” Nick pointed out.

She was quiet for several moments. “Yes, Nick, you are,” she finally said.

“Are you going to take away what we already have?” Maverick asked.

“No, I’m not,” Evelyn Armstrong told them all. “You don’t have to get your inheritance, though it makes your trust funds look like pennies, as you know. But getting the money isn’t the point,” she said with a sigh.

“What is the point?” Cooper asked, trying desperately not to yell, but only because his mother was in the room.

“The point is to grow up. You need to grow up,” Evelyn said as she looked each of the boys in the eyes before turning to Sherman.

“Your father wants you to be good men. He’s asking you to show your mother that you are,” Sherman added.

“So, even in death, Father wants us to jump through hoops?” Ace snapped.

“No, son, even in death your father wants you to grow into the men you are meant to be,” Evelyn told them.

“I don’t need his stupid money. I have plenty of it that he’s already given me and besides that I have my own plans. If he thinks I’m such a screwup, then he can keep it all,” Cooper thundered.

“Agreed,” Nick snapped.

“I’m not doing anything because someone is trying to force it upon me,” Maverick said, joining his brothers.

“If he thinks we’re such screwups, he can go to hell,” Ace said, pushing it a bit too far.

“Ace . . .” Coop whispered.

“Save it, Cooper. You’re always trying to be the leader, but this is crap. Yeah, I’m the baby of the family, but that just means that I’ve had to try to make up for every mistake that you guys have already made. I’m done with it,” Ace bellowed.

“Calm down, son,” Sherman said, rising and resting a hand on Ace’s shoulder.


Ace yanked away from Sherman and then moved toward the door.

“I love you all no matter what you choose, but I hope you’ll listen to your father’s last words and know he does this because he loves you,” Evelyn said quietly, stopping Ace for a moment. Then his eyes hardened.

“I’m out of here.”

Ace was the first to leave. He rushed from the attorney’s office, fury heating the very air around him.

Cooper stood there dumfounded. What was happening? They’d not only lost their father, but they’d all just found out that they had never been good enough in his eyes.

“To hell with Dad—and to hell with this place.”

Cooper followed his brother, though Ace was already long gone. It didn’t matter. Cooper would prove himself, but he’d do it because he wanted to. He would never be someone’s puppet—not even his father’s.


What in the world was he doing at the lavish Anderson wedding of Crew Storm and his bride, Haley?

He didn’t want to be there, didn’t want to be around anyone, actually, but he feared his friends were going to call in the National Guard at any minute if he didn’t come out and at least pretend he was still somewhat normal.

It had only been six months since his father’s passing. There’d been zero word from Ace, and though he talked to his other two brothers, the conversations were short. All of them were dealing with their demons and the final words of their father.

He hadn’t spoken more than a few words to his mother, which he knew was terrible, but he couldn’t see her while he was like this.

“It’s really good to see you out, Coop.”

Mark Anderson stood next to him as they scanned the merry crowd celebrating all around them. Cooper couldn’t even try to smile. His lips just weren’t turning up.

“I haven’t felt much like celebrating lately,” Cooper admitted to his friend.

“I understand that. I don’t know how I would survive it if my dad died. The man’s meddling and always in my face, but I love him. I think the old guy is too damn ornery to let go anyway. He’s gonna outlive us all,” Mark said with a chuckle.

“Yes, I

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