Trust Me - Sheryl Browne Page 0,98

them. ‘No,’ she said, her gaze flicking to Ben. ‘We heard the news. Here’s hoping he pulls through. I gather he’s well liked.’

‘He is.’ Emily searched her face, her apprehension growing as she wondered what it was they had come for.

‘We’re actually here about a separate incident,’ DS Regan said, taking a breath. ‘One we believe occurred somewhere between eight and ten o’clock last night.’

Incident? Emily’s stomach turned over.

‘I’m afraid a young woman has been found,’ the detective went on, causing Emily’s heart to stop beating, ‘on Orchard Lane, not far from Apple Tree Farm. She’s critically injured.’



Watching Louis’ flat, Millie saw him finally return from God knew where. She gave herself a moment, staying where she was a short way down the lane.

He’d refused to answer her calls and texts warning him that her dad was probably on to them. From his lack of contact, it was obvious that he didn’t give a shit about the consequences for her; that he probably never had. Where had he been, the bastard, going off without so much as a word? Anger bubbling inside her, she took several slow breaths, cautioning herself to calm down. She needed to act naturally. She needed evidence to confront him with. He’d been using her. She’d suspected it, but was still struggling to believe it. He’d been lying to her, stringing her along to get access to drugs – and what else? Why had he been so bloody interested in the passwords under Nicky’s desk, even writing them down? And why, she wondered again, had he familiarised himself with the staff at the surgery? Precisely how much bullshit he’d fed her Millie wasn’t sure, but he had, she had no doubt about that, and she intended to find out.

More composed after a minute, she checked her make-up, wanting to appear as normal as possible, though inside she was crushed, petrified and confused, then headed up the lane and across the forecourt of the derelict car workshop, avoiding the patches of oil and petrol in her new chunky leather boots as she went. She normally didn’t go to his flat unless by prior arrangement, at designated times to suit him. She knew now why. He hadn’t bought the perfume she’d smelled on him for his poor ailing mother. He’d been shagging his ex, she would be willing to bet, or else some cheap trollop. He’d probably brought her back here.

Trying to still the nausea swilling inside her as she recalled the times he’d made love to her here – had sex with her, she corrected; there had been no love there, she now realised, no tenderness or affection – she swallowed back her hurt and made her way up the concrete steps to his flat. Forcing herself to smile, she knocked and waited.

She could hear him moving around inside, but he didn’t answer. Wondering if he would if he knew it was her, she braced herself and knocked again, harder this time, calling out his name as she did.

A minute later, Louis swung the door open with an audible sigh. ‘Hi, sweet cup,’ he said, a tight smile on his face. ‘I wasn’t expecting to see you.’

She’d bet he wasn’t. He hadn’t clicked his fingers, had he? ‘No, but I was worried about you,’ she said. ‘You didn’t return my calls and I thought something might have happened. That that Bear guy might have come after you or something.’

Her eyes trailed over his bare torso as he backed away from the door, allowing her in. A ripple of revulsion ran through her as once again she caught the scent of perfume. God, she’d been so naïve, acting just like a love-struck teenager. Her mum had been right to go on at her. She couldn’t bear to imagine the heartbreak she might be about to cause her. And her dad … She would shatter his illusions about her forever.

‘Yeah, sorry about that, babe. My mum’s been ill,’ he said, furrowing his brow in that concerned way he did whenever he talked about her. ‘I would have rung, but in between doctors and hospitals …’ Shrugging sadly, he trailed off, leaving her to surmise what a selfless soul he’d been. Liar.

‘Oh no.’ Millie frowned sympathetically. ‘Is she all right now?’ she asked, working to keep the contempt from her voice.

Louis nodded, emitting another heavy sigh. ‘She’s doing okay. She’s getting on a bit, though, so … you know. Look, I’m just about to take a shower. Grab yourself a Copyright 2016 - 2024