Trust Me - Sheryl Browne Page 0,30

Massaging his forehead, he dropped his gaze. ‘The thing is,’ he looked back at her, his expression now one of discernible agitation, ‘unless you tell me, I have no idea what the bloody hell you’re talking about!’

He’d lost his temper. Something he never did. Even when the kids tried his patience severely, even when it was obvious his father was grating on his nerves, he was restrained. Angry, but never outwardly aggressive. Why would he be now? Because she was in danger of stripping away his perfect persona, revealing him for what he was, a liar and a cheat? That would shatter his good-family-doctor image, wouldn’t it, she thought, her throat tightening.

‘You know that I know what you’re doing, don’t you?’ Biting the tears back, she kept her gaze fixed firmly on his.

‘For Christ’s sake.’ Jake raked a hand through his hair. ‘What am I doing? Will you please just tell me what’s going on, because I don’t know, Emily. I have no clue.’

‘No, nor did Michael,’ Emily pointed out, her heart catching as she recalled how furious Michael had been, how violent and then utterly devastated. ‘Until today, that is. It’s quite sad, isn’t it? That a man who worked his fingers to the bone building his business could have his life reduced to rubble by someone he’d placed his trust in. Someone everyone places their trust in, misguidedly.’

‘Emily, you need to stop this.’ Clearly shaken, Jake moved towards her. ‘You obviously think that somehow I’m involved with Natasha. You’re wrong, I promise you. We need to sit down and talk, calmly.’

Emily stiffened as he placed his hands on her shoulders. She couldn’t help herself. Having him so close, smelling his scent of crisp white cotton suffused with the citrus aftershave he wore – and what else? Undertones of a woman’s perfume? – was too painful.

‘Somehow involved?’ she repeated, an errant tear escaping her eyes despite her best efforts. ‘That’s the problem, Jake, I can imagine all the ways. Every position. Wouldn’t you, if it were me cheating on you?’

His eyes a whirlpool of confusion, he searched her face, his own deathly pale, and then dropped his hands away. ‘This is hopeless.’ He breathed out heavily. ‘You’ve got it all wrong, Emily. I have no idea why you would even think … Can we not just talk it through? Please?’

‘You went to see her in a hotel, Jake. There’s nothing to talk about as far as I can see, is there?’ she retorted flatly, and turned away.

‘She’s a bloody patient!’ he yelled after her as she walked towards the door. ‘What did you expect me to do?’

She spun back around. ‘Exactly what you did!’ she yelled back. ‘No, scratch that. I honestly expected more of you than this … predictable shit!’

‘I am not cheating on you, Emily,’ Jake insisted furiously. ‘When in God’s name do you think I would have time?’

Emily laughed scornfully. ‘Um, now let me think …’ she said, arranging her face into a thoughtful frown. ‘When you disappear on your “call-outs” to visit your “patients”, possibly? When you’re sweating over the mountain of paperwork in your office? Supposedly.’

‘For crying out loud.’ Jake heaved in a breath. ‘This is madness, Emily! Bordering on paranoia. You need to let me run some tests. If you won’t let me do them, then I’ll organise a referral. Please just allow me to do something, will you? We can’t carry on like this.’

And there it was. Hardly able to believe her ears, Emily stared hard at him, stunned by his attempt to deflect his guilt, the consequences of his actions, by claiming she was insane. And he would be qualified to do so, wouldn’t he? ‘Do not do this to me, Jake,’ she warned him. ‘It won’t work. I will fight you. While I have breath in my body, I swear to God I will.’ Sweeping a gaze filled with contempt over him, she whirled around and flew into the hall – and then froze.

Oh God, no. This was exactly what she’d been trying to avoid: her children being caught in the crossfire. They’d clearly overheard. Ben’s face said it all. Behind him, by the front door, Millie looked equally shocked. Her stomach flipping over, Emily found her voice. ‘Have you just arrived?’ she asked them, praying they hadn’t heard all of it.

‘Unfortunately.’ Ben shrugged, his gaze unimpressed.

‘And now I’m leaving,’ Millie said bluntly, her eyes shot through with something near hatred as she dragged them mutinously over her mother.

‘Millie …’ Copyright 2016 - 2024