Trust in Me - Quinn Ward Page 0,84

how we can divide it into both a playroom and retail area?”

“Yeah.” I stood, wiping my sweaty palms on my jeans. I grimaced as I glanced down at my attire. I’d planned on spending my day packing the last of my stuff at the apartment so I could officially close that chapter of my life, but then Jack had called, asking me to meet him at the club.

There was an energy as we walked through the club that had the hair on the back of my neck standing on end. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but something felt off. I glanced down the back hall, sure I’d heard someone, but there was no one. The entrance to the back deck was dark with nothing out of place.

And then, Jack flipped on the lights in the empty play space and I almost fell to my knees.

“Surprise!” everyone screamed in unison.

Before I could lose my balance, Daddy was at my side holding me upright. “Happy graduation, baby boy.”

“You did this for me?” I cupped my hands in front of my mouth, praying I didn’t break down in tears. Even when I’d graduated from high school, I’d never had a celebration like this one. Every employee from the club and their partners were there. My parents. My brother and sister. Jayden’s mom. The Marino brothers and Mama, the matriarch of their family who took every local gay kid under her wring. “How did you do this without me knowing?”

“It wouldn’t have been much of a surprise if you’d known, now would it?” he mused.

There was one guy hanging at the back of the room. There was something familiar about his shy smile, but I couldn’t place him. As I greeted everyone who’d come for my party, thanking them for being there, I was struck with clarity.

I tugged my hand free from Daddy’s and raced to the edge of the room, practically throwing myself at the stranger who knew all of my secrets. “Mav?”

“Heya, Sammy.” He hugged me tight and kissed the side of my head. It felt like the most natural thing in the world because this might have been the first time I’d seen his entire face, but part of me felt like he’d always been a part of my life.

“I can’t believe you’re really here.” I stepped back, holding him by the shoulders. “How did you get here? How did you even know about this if I didn’t? You lied to me, man!”

Mav threw his head back and laughed. It was a melodic, almost dainty sound that made me realize there were still things I didn’t know about the man I’d considered to be my best friend in the world for so many years. “Your Daddy swore me to secrecy. If you don’t want him snooping on your laptop, you might want to change your passcode.”

“I don’t have anything to hide from him,” I insisted. Besides, I knew Daddy would never breach my trust without a damn good reason. And convincing Maverick to come to a surprise graduation party was the best reason. “I’m glad he did snoop. I can’t believe you’re really here!”

“I wanted to do something special for you, baby.” Daddy pressed up against my back, holding me close. “You made me promise I wouldn’t buy you anything, so I had to get creative.”

“You give the best presents, Daddy.” I spun around in his embrace and climbed his body.

“If you keep spoiling him, eventually you’re going to run out of ways to outdo yourself,” William warned him. I jumped out of Daddy’s arms and hugged William tightly. He was the reason I had the courage to find my happiness. William kissed the top of my head. “I’m proud of you, kid. You’re brave and have a huge heart. Remember that for whatever comes next.”

“I will,” I promised him. I had no idea what the future might bring, but with it like this, I couldn’t imagine it would be anything less than amazing.

Not quite ready to say goodbye to Sam and Theron? Click here to claim a bonus scene from Trust in Me.

The playroom is growing into more than Sam ever imagined it would be. The guys from Annandale Eastern are learning just as much outside of the classroom as in. Click here to meet The Boys of Talbert Hall.

Are you enjoying your time in Annandale?

The fictional town of Annandale currently has four running series. While there is overlap between the different settings, the books can be read in any order!

Marino’s - Mama was definitely shocked to learn all of her sons were kinky in one way or another, but she’s proud of the men who are running the family restaurant.

Club 83 - Eli’s worked hard to build a welcoming bar for the LGBTQ+ community. These daddies and boys will work their way into your kinky little heart.

The Lodge - As Jayden so astutely pointed out, The Lodge is like a mullet: it’s innocent (enough) in the front, but the party is most definitely in the rear. So far, we’ve only seen the sweeter side, but there will definitely be a trip to The Back Deck in the future.

Talbert Hall - Rooming Together is the first book set in the kinkiest residence hall on campus. It’s a known fact that those who thrive in Talbert don’t fit in well other places.

A Note From Quinn

If you enjoyed Trust in Me, I would love it if you let your friends know so they can experience the relationship of Theron and Sam as well! As with all of my books, I have enabled lending on all platforms in which it is allowed to make it easy to share with a friend. If you leave a review for Trust in Me on the site from which you purchased the book, Goodreads or your own blog, I would love to read it! Email me the link at [email protected]

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About Quinn Ward

Quinn Ward is a zamboni-driving, hockey-loving parent of two kids who are pretty okay most of the time.

When Quinn was three, their parents received a call from the principal asking them to pick them up from school. Apparently, if you aren’t enrolled, you can’t attend classes, even in Kindergarten. The next week, they were in preschool and started plotting their first story soon after.

Later in life, their parents needed to do something to help the socially awkward, uncoordinated child come out of their shell and figured there was no better place than a bar on Wednesday nights. It’s a good thing they did because this is where Quinn found their love of reading and writing. Who needs socialization when you can sit alone in your bedroom with a good book?

Quinn’s been kicked out of the PTA in three school districts and is no longer asked to help with fundraisers because they’ve been known get lost in a good book and forget they have somewhere to be. Copyright 2016 - 2024