Trust in Me - Quinn Ward Page 0,82

sacrifice,” I teased. “But I still want you to top most of the time, so it could take me years to get a hundred more times in.”

“Then it’s a good thing I have no intention of letting you go.” I buried my face in Daddy’s neck. He’d still know I was a jumbled ball of nerves and happy tears, but he wouldn’t have to see my ugly crying. “I love you, Sammy. Whether you’re wearing a diaper and your unicorn jammies as I rock you to sleep or you’re exploring your toppy side, I will always love you.”

“Love you, too, Daddy. Forever.”



“How do you think things are going with the new playroom?” It felt like forever ago when I’d first sat down with Jack to discuss the possibility of creating a space for our littles and their Daddies. I might have been a bit biased, but in the first few months, I was beyond ecstatic over the feedback we’d received in the first few months.

Unfortunately, as I delved deeper into my own relationship, I was beginning to question my original ideas for repurposing the second space. While I still thought it would be cool to have a space for the puppies to hang out like the littles had now, it was valuable real estate we could use for other purposes. Plus, it would mean taking away the largest educational space we still had, and I wasn’t sure that was wise either.

I only hoped Jack wouldn’t be upset by my latest set of sketches. Work had already begun, and I didn’t want him to feel like he’d wasted his money and time.

“The littles and Daddies love the new space.” It felt good to be able to give him a positive report. We’d recently sent out a survey to the customers on our email list to get their feedback on the changes we’d made, as well as what they felt we were lacking in the local kink community, which is another piece of why I’d been scribbling notes and making drawings to show my boss. “I’d like to order a few more toys and pieces of furniture based on the feedback we’ve received but, overall, it sounds like we hit the nail on the head.”

“You did that,” Jack corrected me. “Take ownership of your success, Sam.”

He pulled up something on his laptop and turned the screen toward me. It wasn’t the first time I’d seen the profit and loss statements for the bar, but as I looked at the growth percentages, it finally hit home that the playroom was helping all areas of the club. I slumped back in my chair, a bit overwhelmed by it all.

“This is exactly what I needed to do but I never would have realized it without your innovation. I will admit, I’m a bit old school and I’d never considered bringing kink into the front of the club.” He scrolled down the page showing me various line items, flipping between various tabs and graphs. The club hadn’t operated at a loss since the year it opened, but there was an obvious spike in the past few months. Now, the trick was keeping them on the rise. “Pride is coming up in a couple of weeks and I want to do something to celebrate. Since you’re apparently the ideas man around here, I wanted your input.”

If I didn’t know better, that would have felt like a set up. It was a perfect segue for me to show him the concepts I’d put together when I’d needed a break from the last project I had to complete before graduation. I pulled out my notebook and handed it to him.

Originally, the second large room was going to be a playroom for the puppies and other pet play kinksters because they deserved an area with padded floors and wide-open spaces to romp around. I still wanted to give them that because we’d put in so much work, but I felt like my idea had been a bit short-sighted. Jack leaned in, giving me his undivided attention as I explained that it would be possible to keep the original concept while making it something that could be easily transformed once a month to provide an area for a recurring vendor fair, and on those days we could provide demonstrations and education based on who we’d invited to sell their gear.

When I finished, he leaned back, pinching his chin between his thumb and index finger. I focused on staying still and breathing Copyright 2016 - 2024