True-Blue Cowboy - Vicki Lewis Thompson Page 0,7

into him, please. He’s got amazing artwork, but he doesn’t understand you gotta sell it. Know what I mean?”

“Sure do. Nothing wrong with pimping yourself out for a good cause.”

Quinn sent a silent plea in Kendra’s direction and she started forward.

“But, alternatively…” Ed positioned herself to block Kendra’s progress. “You could be wasting your talents in this case. Especially when you’re desperately needed elsewhere.”

Ellie Mae folded her arms and narrowed her eyes. “Don’t try to distract me, Edna Jane. I’ll be very good for Quinn’s bottom line, which will be very good for Raptors Rise.”

“I don’t doubt that for a minute. But hear me out. I assume you’re aware of our signature event tonight?”

“Who isn’t? I have my eye on the owner of the Choosy Moose. He’s hot.”

“A word to the wise, Ben could never keep up with you. Besides, I have a much tastier plan. Why be stuck in the crowd tonight when you could be up on stage hob-knobbing with all those gorgeous cowboys?”

“You want me to be the stage manager?”

“Even better, I want you in charge of the entire shootin’ match. I was going to claim that role, but—much as I hate to say so—you’re a better fit. How would you like to be our auctioneer?”

Color bloomed in Ellie Mae’s cheeks and a shiver of excitement rippled through her slim body. Then she took a slow breath and studied her manicured nails. “I might consider it.” She looked up. “Will there be an after-party?”

“Definitely. A chance for the bachelors and the high bidders to mingle and for you to shine. It’ll be up at my house.”

“That’s your house?”

Ed nodded, a trace of smug satisfaction in her gaze.

“So you’re the Ed I’ve been hearing about, the one who owns this ranch? I thought it belonged to some guy.”

“I shortened my name for dramatic effect. Do we have a deal?”

“Oh, we have a deal, chica. And we need to talk so I can find out how winning some trophies and playing bit parts in a few Westerns resulted in this.” She spread her arms.

“Compound interest and solid stocks.”

“Talk to me, girlfriend.”

“I will, but first we’ll head over to the arena so you can familiarize yourself with the setup.”

“Good. I always insist on that. This isn’t amateur hour.”

“Not with you at the helm. After we check out the stage and lights, we’ll grab a six-pack of hard cider and I’ll tell you all.”


Ed tipped her hat to Quinn and Kendra. “Great seeing you two again.”

Quinn stepped forward and offered his hand. “Thank you, ma’am. Ellie Mae, you’ll make a terrific auctioneer.”

“And you’re going to regret letting Edna Jane steal me away.”

“Don’t worry,” Kendra said. “If business doesn’t pick up, I’ll send the Whine and Cheese Club out with sandwich boards.”

Ed brightened. “The Whine and Cheese Club is here? How did I miss that?”

“We’ve kept our presence low-key. Didn’t want to step on any toes, namely those of the Babes on Buckskins. This is your event, but if you need any—”

“Oh, we can use you—all of you—as facilitators. Please tell anyone who’s willing to help to show up at the arena around six.”

“Will do.”

Ed turned to Rafe and Nick. “Ellie Mae, allow me to introduce two members of the Buckskin Brotherhood, Nick Le Grande and Rafe Banner.”

Nick and Rafe whipped off their hats and held them against their chests as they each murmured a polite greeting.

Ellie Mae gave them an appreciative once-over. “Buckskin Brotherhood, huh? That sounds sexy. I recognize both of you from the bachelor auction flyer, but you’re even better looking in person.”

Nick flushed. “Thank you, ma’am.”

“So, Nick, what would you like me to say about you before the bidding starts?”

He blurted out the first thing that came to him. “I’m strong as an ox.”

“I’ll just bet you are. You’re straining the seams of your shirt. Your physical strength is obvious, but what about your character? Who are you inside?”

He drew a complete blank.

“I can tell you,” Rafe said. “You can count on this guy. He’ll be there for you, no matter what.”

“That’s lovely.”

Nick glanced at him. “Thanks, bro.”

“What about you, Rafe? What should I say about you?”

“I wouldn’t hurt a fly.”

“That’s commendable since clearly you could squash most things flat if you wanted. People, too, I’ll bet.”

“I don’t, though.”

“But it’s not like he’s harmless,” Nick said. “Go after something or someone Rafe loves and you’d better watch out.”

“A protector.” Ellie Mae nodded. “Excellent. If the other bachelors are anything like you guys, we’ll raise a ton of money Copyright 2016 - 2024