True-Blue Cowboy - Vicki Lewis Thompson Page 0,50

She stroked his chest and gazed up at him. “Is that a problem?”

Nothing was a problem when she looked at him like that. “No, ma’am.”

“Good.” Standing back, she surveyed him. “Let’s get those boots off.”

“I can—”

“I know you can, but will you?” She grinned. “As I recall, last time you—”

“That’s never happening again.”

“Sit on the bed, please.”

He sat, a position that was not kind to his package in its current state. But he put up with the pain since she wanted to… oh, God, she was going to do it that way.

He clenched his jaw as she straddled his leg with her silk-clad tush facing in his direction. Grasping his boot, she worked it off his foot. Her bottom wiggled so invitingly he had to either grab her or look away. He looked away.

After she repeated the maneuver for the other boot and stripped off his socks, she stuffed his socks in the boots and set them next to the dresser. “I’d like those to stay there for the duration, too, please.”

“Eva, I’m not the type to parade around the place buck naked.”

“I know that.”

“How do you know that?”

“You’re modest. This afternoon when I came out to check on you, your grubby shirt was on the ground. You picked it up and put it on. Some men would have left it off, even driven home like that. Not you.”

“No, not me.” She’d been paying close attention. But she still didn’t understand a few key things about him. Or didn’t want to. That was okay. She liked him a whole lot. And time was on his side.

Chapter Twenty-Four

Nick’s ripped body dominated Eva’s bedroom. His presence added enough testosterone to transform the mood from restful to lusty. Now came the most thrilling part of this undressing routine.

She stepped back. “Stand up, please.”

He rose to his feet, his chest heaving. Shoving his hands in his right pocket, he pulled out the condom packages. “Maybe I should put these somewhere.”

“I have a suggestion for one of them.”

“And I’ll be glad to take it. But the other two—”

“Can go on the dresser.” She held out her hand. “The room’s not big enough for a nightstand.”

“I noticed.” He put the two packages in her hand and held up the third. “How about under the pillow?”

“That works.”

Turning away from her, he slid the packet under the pillow nearest to him.

She followed the motion, riveted by the play of muscles under skin caressed by the sunset’s glow.

He faced her and caught her staring. “Was that the wrong pillow?”

“No. I just love looking at you. And remembering what Ellie Mae said about you during the auction.”

“That was embarrassing.”

“Maybe, but it was another reason for me to bid on you. I bought this house knowing I’d need some help with it. I had no idea who to ask, who would be willing to tackle the jobs. It had to be someone special, someone who would do it with a glad heart.”

He smiled. “Me.”

“Yes, you.” Warmed by his smile, she stepped closer and reached for his belt buckle. “I can’t imagine anybody else working on it, now.”

“I’m glad.” His voice was husky.

Unfastening the buckle, she pulled it through the loops. “I’d like to leave this on the top of the dresser until tomorrow morning, too.”

“But not my jeans.”

“No, not your jeans. You can keep those and your briefs. Except for right now.” She unbuttoned the waistband.

“Maybe you should let me do this last part. I know how to ease them off so I won’t—”

“I’ll be careful.”

“Okay.” Arms at his sides, he took a long, shaky breath and stared straight ahead. “Go for it.”

Heart thudding, she slowly drew the zipper down. Not easy when he was fully aroused. So was she. Hot. Aching. Breathless.

Hands trembling, she grasped the waistband of his jeans and gently tugged, working the material past his hips. His knit briefs, light gray, barely contained his manly attributes.

Gulping, she crouched, which put her at eye level with his magnificence. She pushed his jeans over his toned calves. “Lift—” She cleared her throat. “Lift your foot.”

His voice was strained. “Which one?”


He chose the left and she pulled off that pant leg. Shifting, he lifted his right foot and she freed that leg, too. Even his feet were beautiful.

Shoving his jeans aside, she stood, her breath ragged. Last, but not least…she peeled off his briefs, gradually freeing his rigid cock. A drop of moisture appeared on the tip. Mesmerizing. The hollow ache in her core intensified.

He sucked in air. “Eva…”

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