True-Blue Cowboy - Vicki Lewis Thompson Page 0,21

wanted to add red peppers and mushrooms and Nick offered to chop them for him. Used to be CJ’s job. He’d taught Nick a few of his techniques.

Garrett hummed under his breath as he laid strips of bacon onto the cast-iron griddle. Humming wasn’t typical for the Buckskin’s newest hire.

Nick glanced at him. “Have fun last night?”

“I did, actually. Darcy loves being a vet and can’t wait to start helping with the raptors. First time I’ve had a chance to talk to her.”

“First time I’ve laid eyes on her, let alone had a conversation. Sounds like you enjoyed her company.”


“We’re here,” Rafe called out as he and Leo came through the front door. “Do we have time for a shower?”

“If you make it snappy!” Garrett hollered back.

Nick finished his chopping and moved into toast-making mode. “What are you doing with Darcy for your auction thing? I can’t remember.”

“We’re heading up to Glacier today for lunch and sightseeing.”

“Any sparks between you two?”

Garrett smiled. “No. We even tested that with a kiss last night. Zero chemistry. We had a good laugh about it, which tells me we’re going to be great friends. That’s fine, too.”

“Good way to look at it.” Could he take that attitude with Eva? Didn’t seem likely. He had sparks flying everywhere. “I guess I just assumed since she bid on you, she was interested.”

“She was willing to entertain the possibility. So was I. Like I said—no chemistry. But Raptors Rise benefitted and we both want to see Glacier. It’s all good.”

“I admire how you roll with the punches.”

“Had plenty of practice.” He looked over at the toaster. “Better get that toast buttered quick. We’re ready.”

“And so am I, gents.” Leo walked into the kitchen, his hair still damp from the shower. “After all I ate last night, I thought I’d never be hungry again, but one whiff of frying bacon and my stomach’s talking to me.”

Nick piled toast on a platter and set it on the table. “Grab a plate. I made a fresh pot of coffee.”

“Take an apple, too,” Garrett said. “Nobody eats enough fruit around here. I buy it and it just sits there.”

Leo grinned and plucked an apple from a bowl on the counter. “Yes, Mom.” Then he turned toward the doorway. “Think fast, bro!” He tossed the apple at Rafe as he came down the aisle between the bunks.

Rafe caught it in one large hand. “What am I supposed to do with this?”

“Eat it. It’s good for you.” Leo picked up another apple. “Here you go, Nick.” He lobbed it over. “Garrett, you, too.” He placed an apple near the stove and snatched the last one from the bowl before looking over at Garrett. “Happy, now?” He took a large bite.

Garrett rolled his eyes. “Delirious.”

Rafe finished his in no time. “That’s enough standing around eating apples.” He took a plate from the stack on the counter and filled it from the food simmering on the stove. “I have places to go and things to do.”

“We can tell,” Leo said. “You put on half a bottle of cologne.”

“Don’t tease him,” Nick said. “He’s already nervous.”

“Am not.” Rafe pulled out a chair and sat.

“Well, I am.” Nick piled food on his plate and carried it to the table. “This is my big chance with Eva and I’m scared I’ll blow it.”

“I notice it doesn’t affect your appetite,” Leo said.

“Nothing affects my appetite.” He went for coffee before sitting down. Then it hit him. Out of habit, he’d loaded his plate like he usually did. But his gut was tight with anxiety. He had absolutely no interest in taking even a single bite.

But he’d eat it all, stuff it down if necessary. For one thing, he’d just announced that nothing spoiled his appetite. For another, and this was more important than saving face, wasting food drove him crazy.

Chapter Ten

When Nick parked in front of her house, Eva pulled the cinnamon rolls out of the oven and left them on the counter to cool. If he’d had barn duty this morning and yet had committed to showing up here at seven-thirty he’d likely left the bunkhouse without much more than a cup of coffee.

Even if he’d had breakfast, he wouldn’t have had time to eat much. Nick loved his food. She’d make sure he started the day off right. They could eat first and fetch her truck afterward.

She’d set two places at the kitchen table, had a breakfast casserole keeping warm in the oven and a festive bowl Copyright 2016 - 2024