True-Blue Cowboy - Vicki Lewis Thompson Page 0,18

heal. Two years ago, watching those ladies jitterbugging their hearts out, would have turned her into a faucet.

Nick handed her into his spotless silver truck like the gentleman he was. She thanked him and settled into the seat. Most of the cowboys she’d met took pride in their trucks, even if they had a lot of miles on them. Nick was no exception.

He climbed behind the wheel, buckled up and started the engine. A country tune on high volume poured from the speakers. He switched it off.

“You can leave the music on if you want.”

“Okay, but that was way too loud.” He adjusted the volume. “I blasted it on the way over because I was so nervous.”

“It didn’t show.”

“Riding fast helped some.” He backed the truck around and drove across the dirt yard to the paved road leading to the highway. “Windows down or up?”

“Let’s put them down, please. It’s a nice night.” As the previous song ended, Keith Whitley’s When You Say Nothing at All spilled gently from the speakers. She cranked her window down and so did he. This truck was an old-timer.

The moon rode low on the horizon and a warm breeze drifted through the open window. Crickets chirped from the roadside. She glanced over at Nick, his hands resting loosely on the wheel, his broad shoulders relaxed.

She appreciated his willingness to let the silence between them just be, filled only with the gentle tones of the song. His calm, supportive mood surrounded her like a soft blanket.

He’d been a considerate friend, coaxing her to enjoy the party and facilitating that by offering her a ride home. He’d almost hugged her tonight when he’d noticed she was upset. She wouldn’t have minded. She’d bet he was a good hugger.

The Keith Whitley song ended and a commercial came on. She turned to Nick. “I’ve been thinking about your schedule tomorrow. Since you have barn duty at five, why don’t you come to my house later in the morning, like ten or eleven?”

“That would mean I’d be there later, too, but if you’d rather follow that schedule, I could—”

“You don’t have to stay until ten at night. You could still leave at eight.”

He gave her a quick glance. “That’s not what you paid for.”

“Doesn’t matter.”

“It does to me.” He returned his attention to the deserted road. “I offered twelve hours of manual labor and that’s what I’ll deliver.” He chuckled. “You don’t want to mess with that contract we both agreed to. Deidre will come after us.”

“She might. That sounded like a binding agreement.”

“Sure did.”

“Do you know what she does for a living? My guess is she’s a lawyer.”

“Don’t quote me on this, but I think she’s a real estate agent.”

“That would fit, too. Anyway, regarding our contract, I think it puts me in the power position.”

“It does. I’m yours to command.”

There was that sexy bachelor auction vibe Fiona had talked about. It put sizzle into this conversation. “In that case, I should be free to cut your hours.” The atmosphere in the truck’s cab had shifted to a teasing one and she was fine with that.

“Why would you want me to work less? Last time I heard, you had several things on your list.”

“I didn’t know you were getting up at five for barn duty. Besides, you’re giving me a ride home and you’re planning to give me another ride back to fetch my truck. That takes up any slack.”

“Not in my book. Unless you forbid me to start work at eight, that’s when I’ll begin. I want you to get your money’s worth.”

“I made a charitable donation to a cause I care about. Even if you didn’t do a lick of work, I’d still—”

“Did you just find a chest full of money in that attic?”


“You told me on Wednesday that you probably couldn’t afford whatever I’d bring at this auction. At the time, I had no idea the bidding would go so high. Or that you’d hang in there. Judging from what you said during my hair appointment, you can’t have planned to spend—”

“I didn’t.”

“Then why’d you do it? I tried to warn you off. Did you see me shaking my head?”

“I saw you.”

“Why didn’t you back off?”

Because you rode in on a fast horse to a song I happen to love and I couldn’t help myself. She was a sucker for a man with flair. Nick had surprised her by being dashing. She wasn’t ready to say that. “Zane McGavin’s opening speech.”

“I couldn’t hear it.”

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