The Trouble with Peace (The Age of Madness #2) - Joe Abercrombie Page 0,151

Leo, giving Antaup a shake. “Jin can find his own way back.” He couldn’t stand to spend another moment in this place. He needed to talk to someone clear-headed. Someone clever, who could work out how big a mistake he’d made. He needed Jurand. “Let’s go.”

King Jappo filled Orso’s glass, then tapped a loose drop from the edge of the decanter. “So what has brought you all the way across the Circle Sea?”

“Treason,” said Orso, simply. “I may be facing a rather serious rebellion, and these rebels may be seeking your help. I want to convince you not to give it.”

“You are frank.”

“I expect your position, like mine, gives you limited time to relax. I would not presume to take up more of it than necessary.”

“How thoughtful.”

“Good manners are a gift that costs nothing.”

“If only the Young Lion saw things that way.”

Orso paused. Plainly that had been no slip of the tongue. “You have… met with Lord Brock, then?” It was a heavy blow, but hardly a surprising one. Orso wondered whether Savine knew of it. Whether she had helped plan it. Even now, the thought gave him a stab of pain so sharp he could barely hide it.

“Perhaps I have been approached about joining a… let us call it a confederation. Conspiracy strikes an ugly note, doesn’t it?”

“Awfully tasteless,” said Orso, sucking thoughtfully on the pipe and letting the smoke curl away.

“A confederation based on freedom, patriotism and high principles.”

“Awfully tasteful.”

“Aimed at… let us say… altering the priorities and personnel of the Union government.”

“Just a little tweak to policy?”


“Because treason sounds most underhand,” said Orso, handing back the pipe.

Jappo grinned as he took it. “Few things more so.”

“Might I ask whether you are minded to join this… well-intentioned group?”

“I am considering my options.” Jappo stuck out his bottom lip, twiddling absently with the pipe. “I should say that I was offered Sipani.”

That hung between them for a moment. “You know my sister Carlot is married to Chancellor Sotorius.”

“Does that mean,” asked Jappo, “that you couldn’t match the offer?”

Orso gave a long sigh. “If I was willing to stab my own sister in the back, how could you possibly trust me? How could anyone? I could lie and say yes, then later renege, but I think we’ve all had enough of that sort of behaviour. I would rather be honest and say the best you’ll get from me is that things stay comfortably familiar. I will give up my claims on Talins. I’ve only ever seen the place in paintings. Take it with my blessing. Perhaps in time we can even join hands across the Circle Sea and win the peace together.” He looked up at Jappo and let his smile fade. “But if you try to take Sipani, I will fight you. I may well lose. But I will fight you. With everything I have.”

There was a lengthy silence. Then Jappo raised one long forefinger and wagged it at him. “I thought I’d love the Young Lion and find you detestable.”

“You would hardly be alone with that opinion.”

Jappo slapped his thigh. “That’s what I mean! You’re excellent value, and he’s a fucking idiot! Warriors, I swear.”

“I know. They’re so ridiculous, and yet they have no sense of humour.”

“Fuck him.” And Jappo handed back the pipe. “Sipani isn’t worth another meeting with that arrogant arsehole. And from what I’ve heard, Stour Nightfall wouldn’t know the difference between Aropella’s Fates and a smacked arse. I very much doubt he and I would get on.”

“He was one of these patriots, then?”

“Along, I believe, with at least a dozen members of your Open Council and at least one of your Closed.”

“I don’t suppose you’d fancy sharing some names?”

“I wouldn’t want to spoil the game. You’ve played so well so far.”

Orso sat back, smiling. It was bad. It was as bad as he had feared. But there was a strange relief in knowing exactly how bad. “You know, King Jappo, I think we should make this a regular thing.”

“I’m amenable, King Orso. Once you’ve beaten your rebels. If you beat them.”

“So I can rely on you to stay out of this?”

“My mother would want me to promise you yes.” Jappo grinned very wide. “Then stab you in the back at the first opportunity.”

“I think we have probably both had enough of what our mothers want.”


“So I can rely on you to stay out of this?”

“I suppose you’ll find out when you don’t feel the dagger between your shoulder blades.” Jappo grinned even wider. “Or Copyright 2016 - 2024