Trouble with the Fake Boyfriend (Rock Bottom #3) - Holly Renee Page 0,8

each paycheck, I can open my own spa in exactly twenty years.”

It was a far stretch and we both knew it, but God, that’s exactly how it felt. Kennedy and I had sat down together when we first moved into this apartment and wrote down our dreams. Kennedy wanted to be a photographer. Hell, she couldn’t be anything else if she tried. It was in her blood. It was who she was.

But me? The only thing that seemed to be in my blood was the DNA of a hot damn mess. I had no damn idea what I wanted to be.

Well, that’s not exactly true. I knew that I wanted to be a wife and a mother someday, and I also knew that I never wanted to rely on someone else to take care of me. Ever.

But figuring out what I wanted to do as my career was another beast altogether.

I knew what I loved.

To make women feel one hundred percent beautiful in their own skin. Kennedy told me that I was a natural at it, but I think that was her way of trying to get out of being my guinea pig when I wanted to do her hair and makeup.

So opening my own salon and spa had been the dream ever since that day. It was a hefty dream too.

Did you know how much it cost to open your own spa?

A hell of a lot. And that is a technical term.

When Kennedy and I had looked at what it would cost me, we just half laughed/half cried and tucked this little dream away in my pocket.

But I had been saving ever since.

And even though it didn’t seem like much, eight years’ worth of savings were starting to add up. I was roughly halfway there, which meant I had at least eight more years working for my miserable boss or finding another job.

“Whenever I win the lottery, I’m going to buy you the best damn spa you can imagine.” She was pushing all her weight on top of the box to close it, and I grabbed my tape to help her seal it shut before it busted back open.

“That might be the quicker solution.” I laughed as I managed to get her finger stuck under the tape.

“Or you could find you a super-rich husband. No man can pass all that up.” She waved her hand in my direction and I rolled my eyes.

“I’m not looking for a sugar daddy.”

“Yeah.” She nodded her head as she seemed to think. “It would weird me out to date a guy who was too much older than me.”

“Why? Tucker doesn’t like it when you call him daddy?” I winked and watched as my best friend turned bright red with one simple comment.

“I do not call him daddy.” She huffed and I knew I would miss this. Getting my best friend riled up with one simple comment.

“You should try it tonight and see what happens. I bet little Tucker would die of a penis heart attack.”

“Don’t call his penis little Tucker. That’s weird.”

“What do you call it then?” I wagged my eyebrows at her as I started stuffing her collection of Converse sneakers into another box.

“Well.” She looked away from me, and I paused what I was doing to listen as her voice got quiet. “He doesn’t know this, but in my head, I call it the Elder Wand.”

I barked out a laugh, and she tucked her black hair behind her ear with a smile on her face. “You. Do. Not.”

“Yeah.” She nodded her head. “You know, because it’s the most powerful wand that ever existed.” She couldn’t control her laugh. “He would die if he knew, right?”

I couldn’t stop laughing. “Yes. He would die. Please, Lord.” I looked to the sky. “If you love me at all, let me be there when and if he ever finds out.”

“Whatever.” She shoved my shoulder and grabbed another box. “I think it’s a cute name.”

“What’s a cute name?”

We both screamed at the sound of Tucker’s voice at her doorway, then broke into hysterical laughter.

“Don’t scare us like that.” Kennedy held her hand against her chest as she made her way over to her husband and pressed a soft kiss against his lips.

“I didn’t mean to scare you. You two seem jumpy. What were you talking about anyway?” He wrapped his arms around Kennedy’s shoulders and pulled her closer to him. It was one of the things I loved about him. He never seemed to be able Copyright 2016 - 2024