Trouble with the Fake Boyfriend (Rock Bottom #3) - Holly Renee Page 0,66

arms to see who he was talking about. Everyone who I had personally invited was already here.

I almost fell out of his arms when his mama’s smiling face came into view.

“Oh my God.” I pushed him out of my way and ran toward Sarah like I hadn’t seen her in forever. It had actually only been two months, but I wasn’t expecting her here today. I didn’t think she was going to be able to come. “What are you doing here?”

She wrapped me in her arms, like she always did, and I fell into her like she was a home I had never found. Not until Liam.

“I wouldn’t miss this for the world.” Her arms tightened around me. “Jim’s here too.”

I looked behind her, and sure enough, there he was standing in the middle of my spa looking a bit uncomfortable and a lot proud.

“Come here, sweetheart.” He pulled me away from Sarah and wrapped me up in his warmth, and I suddenly felt overwhelmed.

This whole day, these people, it was too much.

“We’re so proud of you.”

I buried my face in his chest and tried to gain my composure. I had so many people here supporting me, but there was something about Liam’s parents that made everything feel more real. It made everything feel like I deserved everything I had worked for.

I loosened my grip on his shirt and cleared my throat as I finally let him go. “Thank you.”

He was smiling down at me, and he knew I was about to lose it. “I’ve never been more proud of any of my son’s fake girlfriend’s before.”

I couldn’t help the small laugh that bubbled out of me, and I knew that was his intention. Jim was like that.

Sarah smacked his arm as she rolled her eyes. “Or any of his real ones.”

“Let’s go get you a treatment.” I grabbed Sarah’s hand in mine and led her toward one of my estheticians who was just following up a sample treatment on someone else.

I got her set up before making rounds throughout the rest of the spa. I couldn’t believe everything was running as smoothly as it was, but I was soaking it all in.

I hadn’t been this happy in as long as I could remember, and it wasn’t because of the spa. It had everything to do with Liam.

The last year with him had been amazing and challenging. Neither one of us really knew what we were doing when it came to a relationship, but both of us had been willing to try.

It turned out that I was a bit jealous, and Liam was a little too overprotective. It ended in fights too often, but the make-up sex made it worth it. He was worth it.

By the time the evening started winding down and people started to leave, my feet were tired and my chest ached from all the support I had gotten today. It far exceeded what we had expected, and it made me so hopeful for what the future held.

The girls working here were all lovely and had truly stepped up today for the grand opening. I wanted them to love working here. I never wanted them to hate their jobs like I used to.

I was wiping down the reception desk while Liam shut the front door, and when he turned back toward me with a smile on his face, I couldn’t believe this was my life.

I couldn’t believe that I was getting everything I had ever wanted.

“My parents are staying at my place tonight.” Liam reached for my hand and I let him take it. “That means you’re stuck with me at yours.”

“What if I don’t want to deal with you anymore tonight?”

He tugged me toward him and my chest slammed into his. “That’s just too damn bad. You’re stuck with me.”

“How so?” I couldn’t stop running my fingers over the scruff on his face.

“Well, we’re business partners now.”

I rolled my eyes playfully. “They usually don’t sleep in each other’s beds.”

He completely ignored my comment. “Plus, we’ve graduated from fake boyfriend and girlfriend to real boyfriend and girlfriend.”

“Nothing in that sentence makes me stuck with you. I can get rid of you whenever I want without much work.”

He cocked his head as if he was considering what I said. “That’s true. Maybe I should make it harder.”

He took a small step back from me, and I had no clue what he was doing. He was grinning like today had been the best day of his life when it Copyright 2016 - 2024