Trouble with the Fake Boyfriend (Rock Bottom #3) - Holly Renee Page 0,29

got hurt.

“He was in love with her. They had been dating since they were sixteen years old. He couldn’t see a future that didn’t involve her.”

Stab. Stab. Stab.

“When he decided to start a business with Tucker, he thought she would be with him. But then he found out that she was sleeping with Brad.” She shook her head. “I never liked that boy, and God knows he doesn’t hold a candle to my son.”

Hear, hear.

“She begged Liam to take her back. Right here on this porch.” She pointed down at the wood deck. “She was a blubbering mess and kept saying it was a mistake, but he didn’t budge. Thank God. Once he found out that she cheated on him, he was done. Then he ran out of town with Tucker as fast as he could go.”

I shook my head, trying to imagine a heartbroken Liam. I didn’t even like the thought. “I didn’t know.”

“I’m not surprised.” She gave me a weak smile. “That’s one thing about Liam. He’s always kept everything to himself.”

“Yeah.” I completely understood that. “He’s a hard one to crack.”

“He’ll crack for you though. I just know it.” She seemed so sure of herself, and I hated that she was so wrong. Not only because I didn’t want this whole thing to blow up and hurt her, but I was worried it would hurt me too.

We were both silent for a moment. I had no idea what she was thinking about, but all I could do is imagine how this all would end.

“Here he is now.” Sarah pointed to the truck pulling into the driveway, and even though I knew it shouldn’t, my stomach tensed as I watched him climb out of the passenger seat.

“Hey there, sleepyhead.” He picked up a piece of my hair before letting it fall against my shoulder.


I didn’t know how to deal with this Liam. Sure, he was physically the same guy standing in front of me, but he had never been like this at home. He was always so standoffish, so cold almost.

“I almost have him talked into it, Sarah.” His dad was climbing up the front porch steps with a small bag in his hands.

“No. He doesn’t,” Liam responded quickly. Too quickly.

“Talked into what?” I was hella curious now.

“Dad’s trying to talk me into playing in some flag football game tonight, but I’m not doing it.”

“It’s not just some game.” His dad huffed. “It’s our Masonville High alumni football team, and we’re playing our rival tonight. We could really use Liam’s arm.”

“It’s a bunch of old men reliving their glory days.”

“Not true,” Sarah said from beside me. “There are several younger guys on the team now. Brad even starts for Valley.”

I watched her as she said the words, and I swear she knew what she was doing. She knew the exact thing that would make Liam react.

“Yeah.” His dad nodded his head. “And he’s still good too. Valley High will beat us for sure tonight if he shows up.”

I snorted, and all three heads turned in my direction.

“Oh, sorry.” I held my hand over my mouth, but I couldn’t stop laughing.

“What’s so funny?” Liam cocked his head.

“Masonville High and Valley High. Arch-rivals. We really are in the south, aren’t we?” I raised an eyebrow at him. I felt like I was suddenly in the middle of some country soap opera.

“Are you making fun of us?” Liam moved in my direction, but I held my hands up to block him.

“No.” I giggled again. “I just never thought I’d hear a conversation like this in real life.”

“Dad, add me to the roster.” He bent down in front of me as his dad did an adorable little fist pump into the air. “I need to go deal with this one before the game.”

I rolled my eyes. Liam wouldn’t know how to deal with me if he tried. Especially not in front of his parents.

He wrapped his hands around my hips, and I tightened my hands on the arms of the rocking chair. “You wouldn’t dare.”

But there was a spark of playfulness in his eyes that I had never seen before. Definitely not directed at me, and I had a feeling that he would dare.

He lifted me up like I didn’t weigh a thing, and I shrieked as his shoulder knocked into my stomach.

His mom and dad were standing right there, and this barbarian threw me over his shoulder like I was his property.

“Liam, put me down!”

His dad chuckled, and I swear I Copyright 2016 - 2024