Trouble with the Fake Boyfriend (Rock Bottom #3) - Holly Renee Page 0,24

know.” He reached for my bag before tossing it on one of the boats. “But when you’ve had enough of him, you know where I’m at.”

“Who is this?” one of the guys from the group asked which only seemed to catch everyone’s attention. He was big, huge really, and I was pretty sure he could bench press me with one of his pinkies.

Liam seemed to snap out of his angry haze that was still pointed in Ryan’s direction, and he grinned as the big man clapped his hand then patted him on the back.

Liam settled next to me again, this time gripping my hand in his. “This is Brooke, my girlfriend.”

I watched as almost every female on that damn dock seemed to deflate in front of me with that one damn word. Even the ones who were clearly attached to the guy at their side.

“Brooke, this is Andy.” He nodded in the big guy’s direction.

“Nice to meet you, darlin’. My condolences on having to spend time with this one.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Liam shoved his shoulder, and I winced. I was pretty sure Andy could throw Liam halfway across this lake if he wanted to. “We heading out there or what?”

“Let’s go.” Andy smiled before jumping off the dock onto one of the nicest boats I had ever seen.

Liam led me toward the boat Ryan was already on.

“Where exactly are we going?” I watched as the boats took off.

“We have a spot we all meet up and tie our boats off to one another. We’ve been going there since high school.”

Liam climbed in the boat, and when I started to step in myself, he reached up, gripping my hips in his hands, and lifted me down into the boat.

His hands felt too hot even through my clothing, and his body felt too close. “Thanks.” I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear before pulling my sunglasses down over my eyes.

“No problem.” He watched me for a moment before he moved toward the back of the boat and unhooked a rope as Ryan started the loud engine.

I took a seat exactly where I was, at the front of the boat, and I looked out over the water to avoid looking at Liam or Ryan.

This wasn’t exactly my jam.

I didn’t really do outdoors too much, and honestly, I would rather have been in the air conditioning than the sun. But I would be lying if I said it wasn’t beautiful out here.

It was. Incredibly so. There were trees everywhere you looked, and steep mountainsides in the background. The water was green but as smooth as glass, and even though I really didn’t have any plans on getting in it, it did look refreshing.

The sharp wind from the speed of the boat had my hair whipping around my face, and I swear ninety percent of my lip gloss was now attached to the blond strands.

By the time we finally slowed down, I was shocked by how many boats were tied together in what looked to be the deepest damn part of the lake. Yeah, there was no way in hell I would be jumping in there.

Ryan pulled the boat up next to Andy’s and the guys made quick work of dropping anchor and tying us off to the other boat. There were tons of people floating in the middle of the lake, with beers in hand, and giant smiles on their faces.

One of the boats a few down from us was blaring some country music through their speakers and people were easily moving from boat to boat to talk to one another.

“You getting in?” Ryan asked as he moved to the front of the boat to tie another rope.

I looked over the edge at the endless abyss of green. “I’m not sure.”

“She’s getting in,” Liam said from behind me, but he was fucking crazy. One, he didn’t speak for me, and two, he was out of his damn mind if he thought I was getting in that water.

I looked over my shoulder just in time to catch him pulling his t-shirt over his head, and I swear to God, just one damn look at his torso was enough to make me forget that I was irritated with him only a moment ago.

He had some sort of hot guy voodoo or something.

He pulled a hot pink float that had two round seats connected to one another from the back of the boat. I was too busy watching him that I barely noticed as Ryan jumped Copyright 2016 - 2024