The Trouble With Angels Page 0,95

he'd escaped into the hills and been called back to be with Madge Bartelli when she died.

When he opened his eyes, he found Leta standing in the doorway. "Madge?" she asked softly.

"Gone," he told her, unable to disguise his regret.

She nodded and swallowed once. Paul knew it was an effort for her not to break into tears. "I'm going to miss her," Leta whispered.

"We all will."

"Bethany phoned." She walked over and placed the pink message slip on his desk. "I wasn't sure what you wanted me to tell her."

His daughter was a dear, but she tended to overreact now and again. Her response, had Leta mentioned his resignation, didn't bear thinking about.

"What did you tell her?" he asked.

"That you'd been called out of town, but that I expected you back any time."

"Did she press you for details?"

"Is Bethany your daughter?"

"She worries too much."

Leta didn't say anything for the longest time. The silence between them was uncomfortable, almost as if it were anticipating something happening.

"You're feeling better, aren't you, Paul?"

He needed a moment to think about that. "Yes, I think I am. Being with Madge in the end helped. Good friends helped," he said, thinking of Steve Tenny.

"Prayer helped," Leta offered.

"I'm sure I've been on many a prayer list."

"I can't speak for anyone else, Pastor, but you've been on mine."

"Thank you, Leta." He opened his desk drawer and reached for a pen. "Two things," he said. "First off, is that invitation for Christmas dinner still open?"

Leta looked as if she were about to faint. She literally fell onto the chair. "Ah, I'm afraid the Tennys asked me to join them, and I've accepted."

"That's not a problem, they invited me as well. I'll phone Steve later and ask if he minds adding one more plate to the dinner table."

"There was something more?"

"Yes," Paul said, leaning back on his chair, relaxed now. Confident he'd made the right decision. "I've decided to submit my resignation after all. We'll need a replacement for me, effective next Sunday."

If Maureen kept worrying about Brian wanting custody of Karen, she was going to make herself sick. His sudden desire to spend time with his daughter, talking to Karen behind Maureen's back, making plans with her, all seemed to add up to one thing. He would soon apply for custody of Karen.

Maureen didn't know what to do.

She didn't want to plague her parents with her problems, but she couldn't go on like this much longer. Brian always could jerk her chain. Always could make her miserable.

Maureen waited until Karen was asleep and hoped her mother was awake when she punched out the button that predialed her parents' home phone.

It rang three times before a male voice answered. "Nichols's Riding Stables."

"Thom?" Dumbfounded, Maureen stared down at the telephone. She'd been avoiding him since their last conversation. He talked about forgiveness while all she could think about was revenge. Being with Thom made her feel petty and vindictive.

"Maureen? This is a pleasant surprise."

"But I didn't dial your number," she insisted.

He chuckled. "It seems we've had this telephone conversation before. You did dial it. Otherwise why would I have answered the phone?"

"But - "

"You've got me now."

She smiled. The sound of his voice worked wonders on her tired, achy muscles, especially her neck.

"Something's on your mind?"

How well this man knew her.

"It's Brian. I'm convinced he's going to fight me for custody of Karen."

Thom was silent long enough for her to know he'd taken her concerns seriously. "Are you sure you're not making a mountain out of a molehill?" he asked.

"I wish I were. The more I think about it, the more sense it makes. Brian hasn't seen Karen in over a year. All at once he's willing to pay attorney fees and fight like a bullmoose to have his daughter spend Christmas with him."

"Perhaps he's had a change of heart."

"If that's the case, one would think he'd pay me the back child support payments he owes me."

"Perhaps," Thom agreed. "Go on."

"He phoned Karen when he knew I wouldn't be home." She drew in a deep, steadying breath at the fresh wave of anger and frustration. "According to the terms of our settlement, all contact with Karen is to have prior approval from me."

"That seems pretty severe."

"He agreed to those terms," Maureen said, and knew she sounded defensive.

"All right, let's look past that. Brian contacted Karen without prior notice or approval from you."

"Yes." She could hear the panic level rise in her voice. "I don't know what he said to her. I Copyright 2016 - 2024