The Trouble With Angels Page 0,82

distracted her, and she realized it was her phone. She turned off the water and grabbed the bedroom telephone.

"Merry Christmas," she greeted cheerfully.

A silence.

"Hello?" she tried again.

"Joy, it's Ted."

"Well, hello there," she said, pleased to hear from him, especially when she'd be seeing him in less than two hours.

"Joy, listen, something's come up and I won't be able to make the dinner with your family." His words were flat, devoid of emotion.

"I see." She waited for an explanation, but none was forthcoming.

"I tried to phone earlier."

"I was shopping, and then I was over at my parents' house."

There was another short silence. She tensed, waiting. Somehow she knew he was going to say something that would hurt her. Some inner defense mechanism prepared her for the worst.

"Blythe stopped by my place yesterday," he began, "and I've had to do some heavy-duty thinking since. There's no easy way to say this. No easy way - "

"Then don't," she interrupted him, making sure her words betrayed none of the pain she was experiencing. "You don't need to say another word. I understand."

"I'm sure you don't."

"But what does it matter, right?" She pressed her hand to her forehead and sat down on the edge of her bed, uncertain that her legs would continue to support her.

"You're right," he said miserably, "what does it matter?"

"It was fun while it lasted, and I can still take the dress back, so there's nothing to worry about."

"Still take the dress back?"

She laughed once, shortly, and feared it was more sob than any display of mirth. "As you so eloquently put it, what does it matter. Good-bye, Ted Griffin. Have a wonderful life."

"You, too, my beautiful Joy."

She replaced the receiver, but her hand held firmly on to it, knowing this was her one last connection with Ted.

It was as if she'd been waiting for this moment from the first.

Her gaze fell on the beautiful party dress. She wanted very much to wear that someday, but not if she couldn't wear it for Ted.

Catherine Goodwin was delighted. Everything was going far better with her grandson than she dared hope. It seemed Ted had all but given up seeing Blythe Holmes. Catherine wished the young woman the very best, but frankly she was absolutely thrilled that Ted was dating Joy Palmer.

Although Catherine tried hard not to meddle in Ted's life, it was difficult not to voice her opinion. But the boy had a decent head on his shoulders, and she trusted him to make the right decision.

With Christmas less than a week away now, she was busier than ever. The literary tea was scheduled in the first half of the week, and there was much work left that needed to be done on that.

The knock on her door was followed almost immediately by the sound of it opening.

"Grandma, are you here?"

"Ted." Catherine was elated to have him drop by unexpectedly. Her smile faltered a little when she noticed that Blythe was with him. The two held hands, and it seemed to Catherine that the other woman was much subdued from their previous meetings.

"What a pleasant surprise. Sit down, please."

"We're only here for a few minutes," Ted explained as he led Blythe to the davenport. The two sat down together.

"Let me put on a pot of tea. Or would you rather have coffee?"

"Nothing for me," Blythe told her.

"Nothing, thanks," Ted added.

"Well, what are you two up to this fine evening?" Catherine asked, and sat across from them. She folded her hands when she noticed the look in her grandson's eyes. Whatever was on his mind was serious.

"We wanted you to be the first to know," Ted said.

The enthusiasm was forced, Catherine realized, but she said nothing.

"Blythe and I have decided to marry. The wedding will take place right after the first of the year."

"So soon?" Catherine couldn't keep the shock out of her voice. It was disappointment enough that Ted had chosen the woman she felt least suited him, but to hold the wedding in less than two weeks was an even greater surprise.

Blythe and Ted glanced at each other. His fiancee's lips formed a shaky smile. "There's a reason we've decided to go ahead with the wedding right away, Mrs. Goodwin."

"A reason?"

"Yes, Grandma. We're going to have a baby."

The two left shortly after their announcement, but Catherine stayed seated right where she was. The shock vibrated through her like the blast of sound waves from a bull horn.

Ted and Blythe married. A baby.

Catherine closed her eyes. Her prayer for her Copyright 2016 - 2024