The Trouble With Angels Page 0,53

more than the resident service director. She's our friend and our advocate. When I first moved to Wilshire Grove it wasn't an easy adjustment for me to make. I'm too independent. I like things my own way, but Joy was there to smooth away the rough edges, to make the transition as uncomplicated as possible."

"I'm taking her out."

Catherine tried not to show how pleased she was, but doubted that she succeeded. "That's wonderful."

Ted grew thoughtful. "You don't think my interest in her is a psychological male thing having to do with the fear of relinquishing my freedom, do you?"

Catherine wasn't sure she followed that entirely. "Ah, I don't think so."

He beamed her a wide smile. "Good. I didn't think so, either." He leaned back and relaxed once more. "I want my date with her to be special. Do you have any recommendations?"

Catherine thought about it for several moments, then nodded. "The antique car show. As you might have guessed, Joy has an appreciation for older things."

There was a knock at Catherine's front door. She waited for whomever it was to let themselves inside. A second knock followed, this one louder and more insistent.

Catherine stood and crossed the room. It was Blythe Holmes.

"Hello, Mrs. Goodwin," she said. She refused to meet Catherine's gaze as she surveyed the living room. "I'm looking for Ted."

"Blythe." Ted was on his feet. "What are you doing here?"

"Shucks," Paula said with a dramatic sigh, "I thought we might find them already kissing."

"It doesn't look like it's going to happen," Karen returned in a loud whisper. The two girls had their elbows wrapped around each other's necks.

"Would you two kindly stop talking about us like we can't hear you?" Maureen said crankily. It was mildly disconcerting to have two twelve-year-olds discussing her love life, as if she had one. A few innocent kisses shared with Thom Nichols hardly constituted a sexual relationship.

"Actually, I wanted to know if Karen could spend the night on Friday." Paula addressed herself to Maureen. "I already asked my dad, and he said I had to get your permission first, but he said it was fine with him."

Maureen didn't dare look at her daughter staring at her so hopefully. If she refused, it would crush Karen's heart. It wasn't as if she had other plans.

"I suppose it would be all right."

"I'll pick up Karen," Thom offered.

"But that means you'll need to drive into the city."

"No problem. I promised Paula I'd drive her around and show her the Christmas decorations. There's a list of addresses in the paper, and it's sort of a tradition we have."

"Karen would enjoy that."

"Wanna come?" The offer, uttered under his breath, was low and seductive.

"Ah, thanks, but no."

He laughed, but this too was for her ears alone. "I'll miss you. Don't worry, I'll show our girls a good time."

Maureen changed her mind a dozen times or more before Thom arrived to pick Karen up Friday evening. Viewing the Christmas lights was something she'd always wanted to do, and the temptation to join him and the girls was strong.

When she was with him, Maureen found it easy to forget her resolve. He was gentle and patient and a good father - everything that Brian had never been, except perhaps in the beginning and on rare occasions afterward. It irritated her how quickly she was pulled into the force of his personality.

Shortly after seven Thom and Paula called for Karen, who'd packed enough clothes for a two-week visit. The thought of spending an entire day at the ranch with her favorite twenty-five horses and newfound best friend was like being granted a weekend pass to paradise.

"Hello again," Maureen said, stepping aside to allow Thom into her home.

"Gone off on any long walks by yourself lately?" he asked, removing his Stetson. His presence seemed to fill the small house.

"A gentleman wouldn't remind me of that."

Thom's grin was off center. "I never claimed to be a gentleman."

Karen and Paula came out of the bedroom hauling Karen's three packed overnight bags.

"You'd think she was moving in," Maureen joked, then added, "No need to worry, there're some Barbie dolls and enough clothes to bankrupt Ken in there as well."

"You sure you won't change your mind and come with us?" Thom asked.

Maureen was tempted. More tempted than she cared to admit, even to herself. "No thanks. I've got a full evening planned."

"A hot date?" He actually looked worried. Maureen could have kissed him for that.

"Not exactly. I'm going to give my hair a hot oil Copyright 2016 - 2024