The Trouble With Angels Page 0,38

sitting duck. She was prepared this time and had changed out of her heels into her tennis shoes.

She needed time and space to think about her conversation with Karen. A walk. Any place where she could escape. Anywhere she could drown out the echo of her daughter's voice as she repeated the word Maureen had said so often. Bastard. Bastard. Bastard.

A number of horse trails led away from the stables, and Maureen chose one, following the narrow, winding dirt pathway.

"Damn you, Brian," she muttered, fighting the blast of anger. Brian hadn't talked to his daughter in over a year, and when he'd phoned he hadn't so much as asked about her.

True, Maureen hadn't given him much of an opportunity. No doubt he'd called because he was angry over her latest attempt to get him to pay child support. He'd probably boosted his courage with a couple of beers. He'd been out of work - that was the usual excuse - but he was working now and would give her what he could in time. She'd heard that countless times before and would rather he dealt directly with her attorney.

Maureen didn't want to hear his hard-luck tales. They were all too familiar. She'd told him coolly and unemotionally exactly what he could do with his lame excuses. Then she'd hung up and sat and shaken with anger.

Thom had made an excuse to leave soon afterward. Not that Maureen blamed him. It wasn't until he'd driven away that she'd noticed the untouched pot of coffee. She wanted to explain to Thom about Brian, but it wasn't possible to wrap it up with a pretty pink bow. It was better that he not know.

She enjoyed Thom's company, but he didn't understand what it was to have suffered through a divorce. He didn't know what it was like to have his trust ravaged, to have his heart violated to the point that the last lingering vestige of respect had long since died.

From the little he'd told her about Paula's mother, Maureen knew they'd shared a deep and personal commitment to each other. The kind her own mother and father shared now.

Maureen walked as fast as her feet would go, her anger carrying her over the uneven pathway. Tired and breathing heavily, she turned off the road and followed a shallow stream as it wound around a crop of bolders. The stream had a peaceful effect, and she watched it for several moments, then decided to sit down and rest before heading back to the stables.

She found a good-size rock and sat there with her arms tucked around her bunched-up knees. She could see herself through Karen's young eyes, and she didn't like the picture. Yet she didn't know what to do to change the image in her mind.

Heaven was aware she could do nothing to change Brian. She'd tried, God help her, with a zero success rate.

Defeated, Maureen looked up. Daylight was fast slipping away, and she needed to get back to the stables. She slid off the rock and started back toward the trail, or where she last remembered seeing the trail.

She hesitated.

This didn't seem to be the right way. She turned and started in the opposite direction, certain she remembered that bend in the stream.

Within minutes it was so dark, she couldn't see more than a few inches in front of her. Fighting panic, she knew that either someone would come and find her or she'd wait until morning and discover the way back on her own.

Cupping her hands around her mouth, she called out as loudly as she could, "Is anyone out there?"

Only an eerie, unnatural silence greeted her frantic question.

"Please," she whispered. "Thom? Anyone?"

"I don't know what's wrong with Edith," Joy said as her father carefully lifted the hood of her dated Chevy in his repair shop. "She's been acting strange lately."

Ray Palmer smiled at his daughter. "If you translate 'strange' as Edith starting up of her own accord, you need more than a mechanic." Her father leaned over the engine, out of Joy's view.

"Did you see the Lakers game last night?" he asked, his words muffled, aimed as they were at the garage floor.

"It was great." Or it had been until after the game, when Ted had gone quiet and brooding on her. He'd driven her home as if he couldn't be rid of her fast enough.

She hadn't invited him up for a drink. Really, what was the use? It was more than apparent that he was glad Copyright 2016 - 2024