Trigger's Light - Carol Dawn Page 0,35

Brendon. “With everything I am. I’ll always protect you and your aunt Thea.”

This is a perfect moment added to my perfect life. I commit it to memory.

Mason stands and grabs Brendon.

“Time to go,” he says.

I start to follow them back to the car but stop and glance back.

“Happy Birthday, Ava,” I say. “You don’t have to worry about your brother. I’ll take care of him now.”

I turn and walk back to the car, completely missing the small smile on Mason’s face.

Chapter Twenty-One


“Punch me.”

“No, thank you. I like living.”

“Damnit, Ink, I said fucking punch me.”

I’m so pissed at myself for yelling at Thea. I didn’t want her forgiveness so fast. I wanted her to be angry. I wanted her to be hurt and disappointed. Not fucking understandable.

“Watch this,” Ink says. He takes a deep breath in and exhales. “That is called breathing. I like doing it. It keeps me happy. Keeps the women happy. If I punch you, you’ll destroy my ability to breathe, and I just can’t have that. Run into a wall or something if you want pain.”

“I yelled at Thea,” I admit. “I yelled so loud that it scared both her and Brendon. All she did was ask me a question, and I shouted enough to cause her to jump back and cause my boy to cry.”

Before shock can register on Ink’s face at my admission, I’m punched so hard in the face that I fall flat on my ass.

“Thea is a good woman,” my attacker says. “She deserves to be happy, not have some fucking man screaming in her face. Don’t even get me started on causing that baby to cry.”

I look up to see Chains leaning over me. After a few seconds, the anger leaves his face, and he reaches a hand to help me up.

Ignoring the help, I jump to my feet.

“More,” I demand.

“I gave you your punch,” Chains says. “That’s all you need. You know you fucked up. But I know that you fixed it because that is one happy woman and baby hanging with Slim and Bella.”

Before I can demand more, Bear calls us to Church.

Rushing over to Thea, I lean down and steal her lips in a deep claiming kiss.

“You have blood on your face again,” she says when I pull back.

“Did Ink finally push it too far?” Slim asks, laughing.

“I’ll be back in a bit,” I say, ignoring their giggles. “Slim, keep them company for me?”

“You got it, killer.”

Crazy boy.

“Please, for the love of fuck, tell me that you have something for us to do?” Ink says, flopping down in a chair at the big table. “I am so bored. I almost punched Trigger a few minutes ago. That’s how bored I am.”

“You did not, chicken shit,” Chains laughs. “You almost fainted when he asked you.”

“The point is,” he says, ignoring the truth. “I’m going crazy.”

“You do have a tattoo shop to run, you know?” Brick says.

“I’m having new equipment put in,” Ink replies. “So, it’s closed for the next few days.”

“Enough girl talk,” Bear says. “Update me on important shit.”

We sit there for the next hour going over business data and inventory. The Sons own a bar, tattoo shop, auto repair shop, and soon to be strip club. Ink is the only brother who has an official work spot. The rest of us rotate where we’re needed.

“Trigger, it seems your people skills are improving,” Prez says.

Glaring at him, I wait.

“Ha,” Ink barks out. “He has no people skills, Prez. He only has people skills around Thea, Brendon, and Sophia.”

“I like Thea, Brendon, and Sophia,” I say.


“Shut the fuck up, Ink,” Brick says.

“Trig,” Bear says. “I want you to take a trip over to Miamisburg. Mac says he has some information you might find interesting. Take Ink with you, so I don’t have to hear him grump about being bored.”

“Hell yeah,” Ink shouts. “Let’s go, Trig. Time to give some ladies what they’ve been craving. Me.”

Fuck me.

“Don’t let the Soul Searcher’s kill him, Trigger,” Hawk says. “As messed up as he is, we kind of want to keep him around.”

“No promises,” I mutter.

“One last thing we need to discuss before we’re done,” Bear says. “Brick, what have you been up to?”

We all know that Brick has been sneaking around and hiding something. Every time I see him, he has new bruises somewhere on his body. He’s even become less talkative than I am.

“Honestly, Prez,” Brick says. “I don’t want to lie to you. But I just can’t tell you right now.”

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