Trigger's Light - Carol Dawn Page 0,23


“Oh my god, are you okay?” I rush to him and start searching his body.

He grabs my hands and gently pushes me away.

“I’m fine, little one,” he says with a smile. “But I’m very dirty. Keep your hands to yourself until I can get cleaned up.”

“You’re covered in blood,” I say, shocked. “How are you fine?”

“It isn’t his, pretty girl,” Ink says, coming in the door behind Mason.

Mason just stares at me as I process Ink’s words.

“Uhm, the person whose blood it is…are they okay?” I stupidly ask.

Mason shakes his head but doesn’t say a word. He’s patient as I work through my fears and doubts.

After a few minutes, I’ve managed to get my thoughts in order enough to talk.

“Did they deserve it?” I ask. My voice is quiet, but my heart is pounding so loudly that I’m having a hard time hearing anything else.

Mason killed someone. What do I do with this information? He told me that he’s killed in the past and that he will again in the future. But I wasn’t prepared for how to handle it.

Everything in me tells me that he’s a good man. The world sees a mean man who doesn’t want to be bothered. An emotionless man who takes his darkness and spreads it out into the world.

But I see a man who will stop at nothing to keep his family safe. I see a man so full of love and compassion but is afraid to show it. I see a man who is willing to kill to protect those who need protecting.

Knowing he doesn’t want me to touch the blood on his body, I clasp my hands behind my back and look up at his face.

“Alright,” I smile. “I trust that you did what was best. Now, please go wash your face. I can’t see you under all of that war paint.”

He chuckles, winks, and walks around me.

“Don’t think I’ve forgotten about your spankings when we get home, little girl,” he says next to my ear.

I turn quickly to see if he’s being serious, but he’s already walking away.

Uh oh!

Chapter Sixteen


Pulling into Thea’s driveway, I hop off my bike and wait for her to do the same. I know I shocked her when I walked in covered in blood. But I wanted to see her real reaction. I wanted her to see the real me.

I don’t want to hide any part of myself from this woman. I’m not an easy man to deal with. I need to know that she’s strong enough to be my woman. Because if I think for one second that my darkness is destroying her light, I’ll make myself walk away.

I’ll do everything in my power to protect my delicate little girl. Even if it means giving her up.

We don’t say a word as I unlock her front door and walk inside. I give her a look when she tries to walk beyond the front door.

She nods her head and stays put.

“Good girl,” I tell her before checking the house.

“All clear,” I say, sitting down on the couch. “Come to me, little one.”

She hesitates for a mere second before doing as I ask. I grab her hand and sit her down in my lap.

“Are you in pain?” I ask, checking the bandage on her face.

“No, Bear made me take some pain pills he had in his desk,” she says, snuggling into my body. “I tried to refuse, but he wouldn’t hear of it.”

“He must have seen that you were in pain,” I explain. “There’s no way he would sit by while someone was suffering. Especially a woman.”

We sit in comfortable silence for a few minutes.

“We have to talk about what you saw today,” I break the silence. “I need to know what you’re thinking.”

“About the blood?”

“Yeah, baby, about the blood.”

“Complete honesty?” she asks.

“I always want complete honesty, Thea. I’ll always be honest with you. Even if I can’t tell you something, I won’t skirt around the topic. Being in a relationship like the one we’re heading for honesty is the only way it will work.”

“Okay,” she whispers. “Honestly, it scared me a little. At first, I thought you were hurt. And that thought alone had my heart breaking. Then you told me you killed someone, and I felt relieved. I was relieved that someone else was hurt and not you. Does that make me a bad person?”

“No, little one, it doesn’t,” I answer. “How do you feel now with the knowledge that I ended a life today?”

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